Other photos from the con can be found
here and
rayemars as Anti-Sora, myself as Riku,
inverts as Kamina, and the excellent
elvey33 as our photographer.
Kamina and Riku would totes get along... sort of.
Epic pose copyright Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
Note that Kamina has already been disarmed.
A ninja.
Lol-ing is important in a relationship.
I'm sure it comes as a complete shock that these boys are not 100% heterosexual.
Because if you don't, they'll stop posing cutely, and stab you in the face instead.
I really like how the background came out in these pics.
And now, fanservice.
This is how Riku says hello.
Fluffy sparkly yaoi. Of death.
Kamina pimpin'.
Anti-Sora pimpin'.
Riku: champion and still pimpmastah.
Lazy boys.
No facepaint required.
I think the blurriness just makes it look creepier.
Inspiring the whole of Baltimore.
...so either Tim killed Kamina or Tim is Kamina.
We really need a Kairi cosplayer to complete the OT3.
Moar swords.
Two attempted pairs of bunny ears = FAIL.
There is probably a reason Riku puts up with this, but he hasn't figured out what it is yet.
Delicious weapons.
Anti-Sora: Heartless abomination of adorableness.
The universe chose these boys to save it. Clearly, the universe is dumb.
Let him show you it.
Offscreen monster alert!
Anti-Sora: worst battle partner ever.
Never gonna shake off those villainous tendencies.
It's like he doesn't even have to try.
Tim's quite lazy for a Heartless.
And this is why Sora is 100x more girly than Riku.
I just like using interrobangs.
Riku: always and forever the manliest.
Don't Eat That! - A Saga
Because Anti-Sora's just not that bright
Sora, that's a painting.
Stalking: A Photo Essay
Note what's lurking behind the couch.
The roving hunter makes his move!
The roving hunter is actually not that good at stalking.
However, Riku, being an experienced stalker himself, appreciates the effort.
There were also some other pics, but I'll let RM post those.