
Jul 29, 2009 12:30

     This is my first blog entry.   My intention is to process my thoughts by online journaling and share with friends and family.   My name is Ed and welcome to my world!   :-)     Entries may be detailed and tedious until I get momentum going. . . but fascinating topics should be forthcoming!
     Yesterday, I enrolled my children for the Fall.   Residency has to be reproven every year in our public school district and everything went smoothly.   Sam will be in 5th. grade and Jane will be in 3rd. grade in the same school (Edison Elementary School) which is a grade 3-5 elementary school.  Most of the teachers are young, well qualified and enthusiastic.   The principal is a young family man with a baby at home.   School will start 4 weeks from today for the kids.   They are both in the Swordfish (Swim) University which provides training for children who qualify for a swim team, yet entails a minimal commitment of 2 practices per week.   They enjoy swimming and the exercise is wonderful.   Classes are at the local high schools, which have teams and wonderful facilities.
     The book I'm working on now is Power vs. Force; an Anatomy of Consciousness (the Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior) by David R. Hawkins M.D. PhD  The author is brilliant and began as a practicing psychiatrist in 1952.   He co-published a book called Orthomolecular Psychiatry with Dr. Linus Pauling who won a Nobel prize.   The book is really fascinating and offers a comprehensive view on human behavior and development which reminds me of Ken Wilber's work.   Ken took the title of Pandit which means something like scholar or expert in Sanskrit and encompasses the western idea of "Doctor" who has mastered a field and is qualified to teach or practice in this field.   The book was given to me by a friend at Unity (church) in Chicago named Peter.   He's a fascinating fellow I had met at a Unity Basics class.   We ended up talking for an hour in the parking lot after the class.   Peter had grown up in the local Unitarian church and moved on spiritually.   He completed "A Course in Miracles" and seems to have mastered and internalized the content.   Now he's started a Sunday afternoon discussion group at Unity in Chicago for David Hawkins material, but I haven't been able to join him.   As i get into the book, I see the wealth of knowlwedge Hawkins has to offer.   In future entries, I'll share some of my discoveries.
     Since leaving a controlling religious group in 2002, I've been exploring different spiritual pathways looking for answers and a home where I can grow and encompass what i've learned already.   In future entries, I'll share some of my interests and insights.   Thank you for listening and I wish you every edification and insight into this journey we call human life.     -Ed

spiritual, school, psychiatry

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