Feb 23, 2010 13:44
We've been attending the Evanston Vineyard and it is a slow transition. I finally caught a clip of John Wimber and he was impressive. The Vineyard is pressed by the fundamentalists/evangelicals who stick to the "sola scriptura" to the point of persecuting people who accept revelation from the Holy Spirit. My time in Unity has been so productive, as I now understand many things, but wonder where I can be and be free to pursue truth and growth. I have been on a unique path, one that doesn't make sense to many. My family does need community and support and we seek a common ground.
I did a reading on the cbhurch situation and it was interesting. Past was the 8 of Swords; the path was difficult, but I was to hang in there until the tide turns. Recent Past was the Four of Pentacles; i was ruled by attachments to security, but I was to be open to new ideas. Present has the Eight of Pentacles; I should keep working on my specific goal and the results I seek are near. Near Future is one of my favorite cards, the High Priestess; I should listen to inner wisdom. The Outcome is Strength; I must claim success by inner strength of courage.