Feb 11, 2007 23:06

Please to be backstorying in the comments!

Player Information
Name: Lena
LJ Username: lenabee
Contact Info: heylenabee - AIM,,

Character Information
Name: Edward Bran McMillan
LJ Username: edmcmillan
House: formerly of Slytherin
Year: Auror stationed at Hogwarts
Age: 22
Birthdate: January 10

Zodiac Sign / Description: Capricorn
The traits emphasized here will be ambition, determination, discipline, and pragmatism. You can't make that castle in the sky if you don't build a solid foundation under it, and Capricorns excel at building foundations. (Actually, they excel at planning the foundations and directing others to do the grunt labour. It's not that they're afraid to get their hands dirty, but large work usually requires delegation and a staff, and Capricorns are managers more often than not.) While not flamboyant or showy about it, Capricorns still tend to be obsessive overachievers, a common trait in House Slytherin. Too, wizards born under the sign of Capricorn are good at being discreet, secretive, and diplomatic; whereas the Libra's diplomacy is based on charm and a desire for harmony, the Capricorn's diplomacy is based on the knowledge that being on good terms with people is extremely useful in getting one's way or finding out sensitive information. These also are traits commonly associated with House Slytherin. They might not be sexy traits, but they're very handy.

Bloodline: Halfblood
Heritage: Scottish, born and raised in East Kilbride
Mother: Catriona Aileen McMillan/35/Muggleborn Housewife
Father: Douglas Alan McMillan/39/Auror
Guardian: N/A
Siblings: Patrick "Trick" McMillan is Ed's younger brother, born about 5-6 years after Ed. This would make him around 16-17 now.

Personal History: Ed was born in East Kilbride, Scotland, to Pureblood Auror Douglas McMillan and his Muggleborn wife, Catriona. Though catriona made sure Ed was educated about Muggle culture and society, he and his younger brother Trick (NPC, 6th or 7th year at Hogwarts) grew up in a primarily wizarding household. Ed never really embraced many traditions or values from Muggle culture, save a natural love of sports.

While he was raised to appreciate Muggle culture, he still feels that being a halfblood puts him at a disadvantage and feels the need to push himself twice as hard to "succeed" in the wizarding world. Ed's childhood was relatively uneventful. He began showing signs of magic as a small child when he used to make sweets on high shelves float down to him. He "accidentally" turned a large twig into a snake, which seriously frightened some nearby muggle children. Though they lectured him about doing magic in front of muggles, this was a source of great amusement for his parents.

Ed was sorted into Slytherin almost as soon as the hat touched his head as a first year. He had so much drive and ambition, a thirst to prove he could overcome the shortcomings of his blood and be just as good a wizard if he only put his mind to it. He settled early on a goal to become an Auror. He knew it was supposed to be a difficult career path, one only the best managed to attain, and he decided achieving that goal would be proof that he was a good wizard. Besides, he's always looked up to his father and following in his footsteps seemed a grand idea.

Despite lofty career goals, Ed found time to pursue his other obsession in life - quidditch. He begged and begged until he got a broom for his 12th birthday, a Nimbus that he still has to this day. He tried out for and made his house team in his second year and by his fifth year he was made captain of the team.

His ability to balance quidditch and school and his reputation around the school for being a responsible and friendly boy are probably what earned him a Prefect's badge in his fifth year as well. He was sorely disappointed that he did not also manage Head Boy in his seventh year and to this day is convinced that if his blood hadn't been impure, he might have been good enough. Rather than dwell on this disappointment, though, he threw himself into studying for NEWTs and working all that harder on quidditch, determined to not only get into Auror training, but also to ensure that Slytherin won the Quidditch Cup his last year as Captain.

Quidditch, sadly, had to be left behind once NEWTs were over and he left Hogwarts to enter Auror training. He still misses the thrill of being on the team, of being up in the air and hearing the cheers of his housemates. One of the best things about being assigned to Hogwarts now, he thinks, is that he'll at least get to watch his old house play again, even if he can't be up there in the air with them.

Personality: Edward is outwardly friendly to everyone he encounters. If he doesn't like you, you will probably never know. He nevers gives away much of his true feelings away unless you are one of the few he truly cares about. Most people he sees in terms of value -- how he can use them to his advantage -- to his career, his image, etc. There are a very few who he feels a true attachment for and those are the ones who do see the rare bits of emotion from him. (His wife, his cousin , his little brother, his few true friends...) To everyone else, he's just that friendly, easy-going, boy-next-door kind of guy.

Ed doesn't appear to care for bloodlines, at least not outwardly and not in the way that pureblood elitists do. On the inside he believes his own bloodline makes him a bit inferior and he works very hard to overcome that. However, he is nice to people regardless of bloodline or anything else. After all, treating the mudbloods differently would make him a hypocrite and even if he does feel there is something to the point of purebloods being better than the rest of them, he's not going to treat his own kind badly over it.

Edward is stoic and taciturn. He doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve and it's very difficult to tell what he is really thinking. There are a few exceptions to this - people who know him well enough to read his moods - but for the most part Ed's true feelings are often hidden beneath the surface and it might be easy for someone to think he doesn't care about anything just by the way he acts.

This does not, of course, apply to quidditch, which he was always freely obsessive about. But even when it comes to that or the people he loves, it's his actions rather than his words or expression that show how he really feels.

Physical Description: Ed is built kind of like a large tree. He stand 6'4 and weights around 190 lbs. Yes, he's pretty much large enough to block out the sun and he's well-toned from years of playing quidditch. He has medium brown hair that he usually wears kind of shaggy and wears the scruffy look well when he hasn't bothered to shave. His eyes are actually hazel, but they can appear to change color and usually have more of a greenish tint to them. He has a charming grin that is almost always present, and his expression almost never gives away what he is really thinking if his mood doesn't match his smile. He's more graceful than you would expect someone of his size to be, though he sits kind of awkwardly when the chair is too small for his build. HIs style of dress is pretty formal - robes are always neatly pressed and tie done up perfectly. EVen his idea of casual is usually a nice pair of jeans and a button-up shirt or skipping the tie on his shirt and wearing is more casually with a jacket thrown over it. T-shirts, when he wears them, are always completely free of wrinkles. Appearances are very obviously important to him.

Preferred Body Model: Jared Padalecki, FTW.

Hobbies and talents:
1. Quidditch. Quidditch. Quidditch.: If Ed hadn't become an Auror after Hogwarts, he would have likely tried out for a Pro Quidditch team. He's been flying since he was old enough to mount a broom and he's been playing quidditch since not long after that. He joined the Slytherin team as a second year and Captained the team during his fifth through seventh years at Hogwarts. Those who attended school with him will probably recall how obsessive he was about the sport. (yeah, think of what Oliver Wood would have been like as a Slytherin and you've got about how hardcore Ed was when it came to quidditch) He still loved to fly more than almost anything else, and it's been hard for him to leave the game behind. Now that he's being assigned to Hogwarts, you can bet he'll be in the stands for every quidditch game, especially if Slytherin in playing.

1. Detached - Ed doesn't form ties to many people. Not close ties, anyway. He's very aloof and detached when it comes to most people and his unwillingness to show his mood or emotions can often result in people not actually knowing that they are important to him. He's the sort of guy who could end up losing a girl, because his lack of obvious jealousy when it came to others hitting on her made her think he didn't care.
2. Stubborn - When Ed is right, he is RIGHT. Or so he thinks. He doesn't back down from his opinions and doesn't listen to those who might want to dissuade him. He was especially stubborn when it came to quidditch and his insane drive for his team to win as a student. Now it translates to his job as an Auror. He'd disobey an order in a heartbeat if he thought his way of doing things was better.
3. Insecurity about bloodline - Ed actually believed in that crap about blood dictating skill. He fully believes that he is inferior to any pureblood, simply because his blood is not fully pure, and he works very hard to overcome that weakness of his blood. This is something that could be easily manipulated, convincing him to redeem himself by working for the wrong side.
4. Liar, liar - Ed isn't a compulsive liar, but he has no qualms about lying when the situation calls for it and he would do so with no remorse. He'll lie to protect someone else or to protect himself. He'll also lie if he thinks it will get him something he wants. Basically, he doesn't care about the truth or being honest in the greater scheme of things, as long as his world and his desires are being protected.
5. Pushover (for certain people) - Push his buttons right, and Ed will do just about anything. He has no real moral compass as far as good and evil goes. If someone manages to make him genuinely care about them, he'll do just about anything they ask of him, without regard to whether it is right or wrong. Those who know how he feels about bloodlines could also push his buttons there and get them to do things he might not think of doing on his own.

Best subjects: Transfiguration, Defense, Potions

Worst subjects: History of Magic, Care of Magical Creatures, Arithmancy

Broom: A Nimbus 2000, please. He begged and pleaded for it on his 12th birthday.
Wand: 15" Holly with a phoenix feather core
Holly possesses protection qualities which far surpass any other wood and is on record for its overall strength. Phoenix Feathers are shown in canon to be good for work in DADA.

List of classes for current year:
not applicable :)

Magical Stuffs
Patronus (for fifth years and older):
A dragon. (from here)The dragon is a wise being that is symbolic of power, and uses any means to achieve it. It covets material wealth and is know for its ambition. It is powerful, yet a hard patronus to control. You may find it most useful in fighting off large amounts of dementors at a given time. With out a doubt it is one of the strongest patronuses.

What would your character smell if they sniffed Amortentia (the love potion)? the smell of the air rushing by you when you fly
Do you think your character is capable of successfully employing a Cruiciatus Curse? Why or why not? Absolutely. Given the right motivation, Ed could wish that kind of pain on pretty much anyone. He'd do it with a completely calm, almost lazy expression, just as if he was swatting a fly, and he'd be unlikely to regret it later.

But he'd have to be pushed to that point or manipulated into it. It's not something he would even attempt without the proper motivation (ie, loved ones being hurt, being convinced it's necessary for whatever reason) and he certainly wouldn't do it just for kicks unless he's possessed by a girl demon

Describe how your character would react, in the form of a sample RP, if faced with a Dementor.
Ed tried not to notice the slight tremor in his wand hand as he tried to summon a happy memory. All his training couldn't have prepared him for what this was really like, for the sense of despair that now filled him when face to face with one of these creatures.

Every instinct told him to turn and run, but Ed stood his ground. This was his job, this was... he had to prove he was better than that. He wasn't going to turn and run like some.. some mudblood. No, he'd worked too to overcome his inadequacies and he was going to beat this dementor or die trying!

"Expecto Patronum!"

His voice shook only a little, but his expression was the picture of forced calm as he made himself focus on the day Ashleigh had agreed to marry him, on the way it had felt when she said yes. He shouted the incantation over and over, continuing to focus on that memory, determined to drive the horrible creature off.

Alignment: Absolutely neutral. Ed could very easily go either way, depending on influences surrounding him. He doesn't really have a moral compass as far as right and wrong goes and he could easily fight on either side. Where he ends up will depend on which side does a better job of manipulating him or wooing him to their way of thinking.

Requests: Former quidditch captain and former prefect. I'd also like him to be attempting Animagus transformation, but it's something that would take him probably years to manage. His form when he succeeds would be a large dog. (an English Mastiff to be exact.)

timeline, backstory, ooc, application
