I think I've finally got time to actually write something properly, for once.
The Pole arrived on the night of my last real post, although he ended up getting a taxi to my front door because he couldn't find a phone/ cash to phone me- it probably took him longer to get in and out of the taxi than it did to actually get here. I think the prize for best name pronunciation suggestion goes to
diffrentcolors, who (if I understand it right), got it pretty much correct despite the fact that I mis-remembered his name and it's actually 'Maciej' (the end seems to be pronounced pretty much as a 'k' anyway).
Living with him is interesting- he's not someone I'd choose to live with, but I'm not avoiding him- the first week was fairly hard because he couldn't bring a lot with him, so virtually the only thing he could do with his time at home is talk to me. His English is still getting up to speed so these were quite tiring conversations, involving trying to express everything in words he'd understand (or take twice as long explaining every other word). It can be quite enlightening though- he's the first person I've really met who's not from the usual Western European or American culture, and the differences between our countries are interesting to talk about.
He's bought a computer now (financed by a loan from work), so these days we spend a lot of time in our respective rooms talking to the silicon gods.
Couple of bullety point things I can't be bothered to wrap paragraphs round:
- Fridges: They seem to confuse him- he often forgets to put food back in the fridge, which is mildly annoying when you find some milk that's been out for a bit, but a bit more worrying when you happen to notice some raw chicken left out on the way to bed, which would've honked by morning. I know it's cold in Warsaw in winter, but it's about the same as the UK in summer isn't it- they do have fridges there don't they?
- He made me a mug of an traditional eastern european snack drink he'd bought over with him last night- it was almost a mug of slightly watered down hot plum jam (that's about as close as I can get to describing it)- just about runny enough to drink. Overall it was something that would be quite soothing on a cold day, but it's not something I'm going to track down and buy myself.
- Was playing games and watching South Park last night, when he came down and noticed, saying something like "Aah- South Park- you like?", followed by "What is 'testicle'?". Gotta find him a good dictionary for his birthday, whenever that is.
Aside from providing impromptu language lessons (and cookery lessons, amazingly- taught him how to make my pasta/ham/sauce meal a few nights ago), all the other little jobs you need to do when moving in somewhere have been taking up what seems like an inordinate amount of time- I think I've got the utilities sorted out now, but I've still got a list of people to tell that I've moved, and I should probably buy a telly licence at some point.