My latest stupid bike accident

Apr 16, 2009 19:25

People were asking on the twitter about my latest EPIC BIKE FAIL. This one was pretty hard to explain in 140 characters, so I thought that I would post it here.

Basically, I've been trying to get to my bank every day this week, but keep missing the door closing by seconds. Today I decided to give in and cycle the extra five miles to get to the branch that is open till nine.

So, off I went on my detour. Everything was fine until I got to this old narrow bridge on the busy road I was traveling down. The problem is that it is a heavily trafficked route, and this bridge is very old, and in need of replacement. As the road is so narrow along the bridge, there is no room for a bicycle lane, and the cars going opposite ways are only separated by mere inches. I didn't know this as I sped down the road at 25 miles an hour! As I approached the bridge I saw a sign telling cyclists to take the pathway across the bridge. The pathway had a breast-high steel fence on either side, one separating pedestrians from the traffic, and one stopping people from falling into the river. As I approached the entry into the path everything looked fine, there were no people walking on it, so everything was good. Then, as I actually entered the path, going about 20 mph, I realized that there was only about 5mm between my hands and the metal fence. I quickly realized that even a slight jerk, or jolt, while going 20 mph could cause me to break my hand, or flip over into the traffic, or worse... the river.

This in mind, I decided to slow to a normal speed, but I must have pulled on the back break a little to hard, because the bike jerked to the right, and my fingers went between the metal fence grates. I threw my left hand out to stop my momentum and prevent snapping my right wrist, then the bike flipped up behind me. The tire hit me in the back of the head, and I forced my weight back to stop it flying wild. Unfortunately, this meant taking a lot of force right in my groin!! Damn. I stopped the momentum though, and came out of it with several bruises on my legs, and a right hand pinky finger the size of a sausage! Also, my front tire is now bent very slightly. It is still OK to ride, but I best take it in to the shop after work tomorrow to see if they can straighten it.

Still, not the worst crash I've ever had. By far, actually!

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