I love my mother

Oct 03, 2004 21:38

Lets see...I wrote...Monday night I think? Whelp...

I had a very nice birthday. Dana picked me up in the morning to surprise me with breakfast, balloons, a card, and a hug! Then I got to school and was surrounded by beautiful people all day. Amazing people who remember your birthday and those who forget...kinda funny...kinda strange...hehe. Then after school I went to Wendys and made a scene. That was fun. Then Tom, Sean, and Anna came over for a bit, and then I went to Youth Group...Caitlyn came with. I love her so freakin much!!!! It was a wonderful time. Very powerful. I had an intense discussion with God ... I cried a lot...it was a good cry. Much needed. I took a step forward. A good step..much needed..in the right direction. I had a very nice time with Ben as well. After we went to Steak and Shake and the group made me a card and they were super sweet. Very nice time. I appreciate them so much. Mwahs to all who made my birthday memorable and to those who remembered. It really meant a lot to me.

mmm...my week was alright last week. Minus me being sick :( ew. Oh well. I made the best of it.

This weekend:

Friday: drove around with Tim, Tom, and Sean, went to Genoa City to see Charley..lol..crazy memories. Umm..then went to that punk show..it was good. I liked the 66's but I guess they sucked that night? Then went to Wendys and then home...I body checked Sean and it was a lot of fun. It's wonderful not caring what you look like or what other people think of you. Who cares that I had no makeup on or that the rain made my hair crazy curly or who cares that I didn't change my clothes to go to the show. It's what made it me. I love my green coat.
Saturday: Slept in, woke up to make breakfast for Sean and I...then just hung around here. Went to Matt's. I missed him. *hug* Thanks Matt. It really made me happy to be around you again. Finally. Right? Hehe. YOU ROCK! Then...I picked up Kel and we came here..hung out here for a bit...then went I drove us to Fratellos for dinner and to visit Sy and Ben. Then we made it home barely in time to go see The Forgotten with Anthony, Alicia, Myles, Jess, and Kristin. A good movie. I also saw Matt, Mike, Mike, and Andy there...good guys...! Then after the movie we went to Stekl's for a bit...whatta nice house...very large...we had a good discussion about politics and then I had a conversation with Alicia. It was nice. Then Kel and I came home and I got my money together for the Autism walk. I raised $410. Go me! Hehe. For a good cause. Then I just listened to some music, and Kel and I talked until we both fell asleep.
Today: I woke up early and drove Kel home then went to Chain O Lakes to walk 6 miles for the Austism walk. I think about 20ish people walked and we all raised about $5000 . That's awesome! I feel good to say that I raised $410 of that. I didn't quite make my goal but I did feel like I made a difference. That's what counts. Six miles later I came home, and I picked up Sean...we watched Back to the Future with my mom and then Ben came over and we watched Breakfast Club and Edward Scissorhands. So it was a very movielicious day....good too because I am wiped. I also did my homework. Feels nice to have a relaxed day.

I love my friends a lot...

Dana...thank you.

Mom...I love you

Sisters-I miss you.

Dad-I still know more than you think about more than you think I know about...

Ready for a busy week??? I'm not...

Ready or not...here it comes...

Love you all.
Have a beautiful night with sweet dreams to fill your inner eye.
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