Our justice system at work

Jun 01, 2016 21:11

Without ever speaking with me, and apparently without reviewing J's prior criminal record of felony assault against a woman while drunk, the county attorny has decided to NOT press felony assault charges against J.

Now it bumps to the local level, where it becomes simple assault and he'll get off with a slap on the wrist.

He's getting away with it.

I'm living in a nightmare.

In other news, my post-concussive has turnd into traumatic brain injury, not getting any better and in fact worse. Much worse. I've had the bookstore closed a LOT while I stayed home and slept or sat in a dark room. Vertigo, nausea, headaches, tremors. They don't know, after 4 months and it now increasing in symtoms, if it'll go away.

We have little to no money because I can't work, and the store is 3 months behind in rent, thehouse is under lien, and we're going to have to start to use the food pantry.

Most of this due to J. And they'll let him off scot free.

I don't want to ask money from my friends again, but if you'd pass this around, I wouldn't mind.
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