Hamsters and stuff

Jun 09, 2015 02:21

Well, still coughing up hamsters, but not bloody hamsters anymore. Lots of different meds up to four times a day, one of them a whopping $100 for a month's worth. There went MORE of the money that should have gone to the house lien.

Speaking of which, I had about $500 from donations set aside, only to discover my husband hadn't paid various critical household bills for up to three months, plus we ran out of propane again (cold shower is how I found out -- WHAT IS WITH MEN?!) ... and there went the $500. Poof. Gone. So now I have $158 in the bank and NO MONEY TO PUT TOWARDS THE LIEN.

I'm getting desperate. Beyond desperate. I see a big train coming and it's me losing the house and literally having no where to go. No where. No family. Nothing. This is unbelievably fucking scary and every time I think I can start to fix this, I find I'm the only adult around and all the money I've raised through blood and toil and begging on my knees has to go to something else critical that must be taken care of right away. Because nobody else will do it.

GOOD NEWS, though. The store earned $200+ today! Which makes me very happy indeed. None of it can go to the house or even towards buying more books or my poor assistant who hasn't been paid a cent in months, because I owe three months in rent for the store (at $750/month). But I can pay one of those months off by Friday. Woot!

lien, star cat books, coughing up hamsters

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