May 04, 2015 14:22
I came into the store today and checked my checking account for the business, as I am wont, and discovered my FUCKING LANDLORD HELD ONTO MY LAST CHECK FOR AN =ENTIRE MONTH= AND ONLY NOW JUST CASHED IT.
So now my accounts are at $-312.00
Yes, that's a negative.
Fucking hell.
I can't get a break.
I'm not sure I can keep this store running at this rate. I thought I was getting ahead a bit, but nooooo, there was the outstanding check that had been lingering so long it fell off my front page at the bank statements so I forgot it was even there. That man is such a bastard anyway; so very passive-aggressive. In everything.
I literally have the ceiling falling in in the back of the store; it took out the smoke alarm & almost hit some customers, and he's been putting off fixing it. No smoke alarm in a BUILDING FULL OF PAPER. It's against the code, and when I pointed it out, he literally told me I was wrong, because, ya know, I'm a girl and I don't know building codes. Fucking hell, again I say.
I don't have any other source of income now that copyediting dried up completely for me two years ago. Publishers won't even talk to me: it's all new kids there who have their own stables of cheap copyeditors who are friends of theirs from college or something. I was one of the best in the business, according to whoever I worked with, and I did it for over 30 years. Why, oh why, can't I get a break in that again??!!
What to do? REALLY, WHAT DO I DO NOW?! I don't even make enough to cover the bills right now, and waiting for the summer influx is killing me. We're eating RICE. I bought $50 of groceries yesterday, and that's all we can afford for the =month.= I have to make the veggies and rice and chicken stretch for 3 people for 30 days. No one should have to live like this.
Never mind me. I'm just blowing off steam. We'll either survive, or we won't. If my LJ goes dark some time in the future, you'll know we didn't.
being poor sucks,
no one said being an adult was like this