No surprises, but damn, it HAD to be my primary hand

Nov 21, 2014 00:08

It is indeed De Quervain's Tenosynovitus, just like I thought, as the X-rays showed no fracture in the snuffbox of the wrist.

But I had to throw a fit and insist I see my PCP instead of just the PA to get that done. Five minutes, a brace later, a prescription for some steroids (lungs still sounding funky to him), and I was done. The damn PA couldn't find her notes in five minutes. Sigh.

So the brace on my dominant hand throughout the holiday season -- this will be fun in the bookstore, not to mention cooking. And if it turns out my right wrist is like my left one was back 10 years ago, they'll need to do surgery to correct it, as I seem to have something congenital squishing that process in my wrists. I'm special!

I also now look bionic.


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