Just finished typesetting a good new project for a good new company:
UFO Publishing -- their premier book is called Unidentified Funny Objects.
And you know me, I'm an old hand at this. But some of the stories in the anthology had me stop typesetting and read them -- and laugh out loud. (I think when I got to Resnick's about Einstein vs. Himmler I had to take a break or I was in danger of hurting myself with the mouse.)
Highly recommended. It'll be out reasonably soon: I just sent the e-galleys off to Alex Shvartsman, the editor and publisher, earlier today, after a marathon of typesetting last night (don't ask -- I had plenty of time, but the computer that had the original files melted its hard drive, if you recall, and I had to reconstruct from scratch...but reconstruct I did).
I'm sort of doing this typesetting gig as a favor at a much lower cost than usual, but I honestly feel this project's worth it -- good people behind it who are publishing SF short stories because they love what they're doing.
For those of you tuning in to find out what's going on with the lawsuit -- it's going. And I think almost finished. Can't say more, but hopefully by Monday there will be a settlement of sorts and I'll be a lot poorer but not under duress from that anymore.
God willing and the creeks don't rise.
Wait, the creeks rose with Sandy.
Ut oh.
:D It really is going okay -- and I think Monday will settle everything. But OMG I have no money now, like for real. The money for the dental, that extra that we put into savings for medical emergencies? All gone (not that there was much extra). I really should have gone to Georgetown Law like my dad wanted, back in the day -- I am so in the wrong business, moneywise! Then again, I get to do what I love, when I do have work. Ain't bad, that part.