Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo: or, I Have Rocks in My Head

Oct 09, 2012 13:09

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo | Johns Hopkins Vestibular Disorders Center


It WAS the dentist visits. But not Novocain -- I have rocks in my head!! (ikr?)

Unfortunately, I can't see anyone at Dartmouth until the day after Thanksgiving. (!!) In the meantime, I'm upright a few hours at a time & trying to work on all those jewelry orders (including stuff that's ready to go but needs packaging & a trip to the PO). Being unable to do much or even SEE much for more than a few minutes at a time is pretty limiting.

If I sit up: vertigo. If I lie down: vertigo. If I walk: lurching, vertigo, falling down. If I tilt my head back? Dots swarm my vision, and I black out (scientific method: I tried this twice to prove its positionality -- I suspect my doctor likes me a bit for doing that on my own, but also told me not to do it again: ::smirk::).

Worst thing? When I try to work on jewelry or on the computer for reading or looking at specific objects, my vision swarms and swims (always clockwise) and the vertigo becomes overwhelming.

If anyone wants to visit and help, I'm open for friends to come anytime (it's gorgeous up here -- even in the fogs we're getting on these colder days) -- the house is still full of boxes, but the guest bedroom is there, if cluttered for the nonce.

TLDR: I'm a dizzy broad with rocks in my head.

You all knew that anyway. :)

bppv, health, i have rocks in my head

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