Update before oral surgery

Sep 13, 2012 01:59

Something very like this post has been added to her previous thread. This is Editrx's husband. When I get around to it, I use LJ as Baron_Elric (and right now I'm tired and don't remember how to make that a live link to my page, for which my apologies).

Editrx asked me to let you know that the infection seems to have stopped getting worse, at least, but she's too exhausted even to reply to you by way of a laptop from her bed. She (and I) are deeply grateful for the responses you've been sending, whether as information, moral support, or orders, barter, and donations. Her hopes of getting to work on fulfilling some of your requests today was a little too optimistic, but she's looking forward to doing so when she's had a chance to recover from tomorrow's oral surgery.

One of us will post to let you all know how things are going.

Again, many heartfelt thanks.
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