
Dec 08, 2011 11:42

Snow here overnight in the Upper Valley!

That's the view from the dining room/breakfast room of the Upper Valley Hostel, looking towards Main Street in Hanover. The greenish building in the foreground, to the left, is the Hanover Public Library. I can practically touch it -- so handy to have it right there!

I get my hair cut off today: it's getting very long and scraggly again, like a few years ago. I hope to have a successful cut from a salon on Main Street -- I figure the Society Ladies that send their kids to Dartmouth College wouldn't want a bad salon when they come to visit. Fingers crossed: there's nothing worse than a bad haircut.

More on Juan when I know more. So far they think the blockage (whatever it is) to the pancreas is causing him to be unable to process fluids taken by mouth. Hence the kidneys crashing whenever they take him off IV fluids and have him simply drink a lot of liquids. If that's the case, they won't be able to send him home and will instead keep him and do the surgery necessary to clear the blockage and find out what that mass is the CT showed inside his pancreas.

I think the hostel feels I'm living here permanently. :(

(At least it's only $15/night, but ... $15 adds up. I'm fast running out of money to eat. :( :( )

hanover, medical stuff, dartmouth medical center, upper valley hostel, juan, housemates are a pita

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