Jun 15, 2010 00:45
It was a very long night and day. I (Elric) had to go home Sunday night to care for cats, and any rumors they may have spread about their demise were greatly exaggerated.
Editrx stayed in hospital, getting some oddly mixed messages from staff, and finding out that some of the medications she was given weren't properly logged. Likewise her time out of bed, leaving some people convinced she was malingering.
Some of the people at the hospital became convinced yesterday that she was constipated, ignoring the fact that she had eaten almost nothing since the surgery, and reminders that nothing unusual to her medical history was going on. The stuff they insisted she take (including excess doses) gave her galloping diarrhea by about noon today.Big help. The diarrhea subsided later in the afternoon, and she decided she would do better in the comfort of her own home, attended by cats. At the very least, here she won't have people barging in and interrupting her every fifteen to twenty minutes.
The trip home was about as far from fun as you can imagine, but we're here and she's as comfortable as possible at this time. She may write more about the experience but it won't happen for a while.
Many thanks for the good wishes.