What I did on My Summer Vacation: or How I Came to Kill the Lich King & Stayed for Cake

Apr 28, 2010 05:56

As some of you may know, I play World of Warcraft. For the last few weeks my guild, which I was brought to from another server by a friend (you know who you are, and I am very very grateful -- a more wonderful bunch of people, by and large, I couldn't hope to know otherwise), has been trying to kill the Lich King as a 10-person raid.

This is the last fight (of the current content) in WoW. It's A Big Deal. As far as we can tell, we're the 6th Alliance guild on our server to have done it on 10-man. (Granted, there are a ton of Horde guilds that have done it, but it's also a predominantly Horde-side server, so that's not surprising.)

Tonight we killed the Lich King.


I didn't realize how good this would feel until we got it done. Damn, but this feels good. We've all worked so hard to gear up for it, work on all the content up till now, get all the raid bosses killed up to the Lich King, work seriously hard together as a group to get everything timed just right for the fight ... and we did it. Hurray!

So the fight is in four phases, all increasing more difficult than the last. Until the last 10%, when you ...

(for this, and all pics, click to embiggen)

All suddenly fall down dead. But all is not lost! In comes the Good Guy (Fordring) with his sword ablaze.

And while the Lich King (aka Arthas) spins around in a blaze of blue traily lights (Oo pretty!), Fordring chimes in with trite dramatic speeches:

Just when you aren't sure just what's going to happen next, Fordring then stuns the Lich King into submission, and another good guy, Terenas, resurrects all the party members:

And you kill the Lich King down the last 10% of his health with no impediment whatsoever, until he's ded, ded, DED.

Hurray! (screenshot of the death & our achievement showing below):

And now that the Lich King is dead, he magically is re-frozen into his throne at the top of Icecrown Citadel, where our raid group posed with him for the usual post-killing-screenshots.

(I'm the human female mage, second in from the right, partly hidden behind one of my friend paladin's "wings" of light.)

And THAT, boys and girls, is How I Came to Kill the Lich King, and now wear the title "the Kingslayer."

Tomorrow night? I have off -- and I'm planning to sleep, knit, sleep some more, maybe watch some DVR'ed TV that has been piling up. And at 10pm, we party till we drop at the Lich King's Frozen Throne. Oh yeah, baby. I've already made up a pile of ten Delicious Chocolate Cakes*.

* the cake is not a lie

world of warcraft

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