Raising some funds (if not the roof)

Sep 27, 2009 06:11

ladychi has been kind enough to organize, with the help of several other Whovians of our acquaintance, a project (two, in fact!) to raise some much-needed money for our escalating medical bills & increasingly stressful home bills (due to lack of work).

As you may recall, baron_elric had prostate cancer surgery a few months ago, and I still have lupus/Primary Sjögren's Syndrome (among a small host of other autoimmune diseases that tagged along for the ride), and now these incredibly debilitating spine problems that have meant even if we can get the work (O HAI DERE, STUPID PUBLISHING WORLD), I haven't been able to sit up long enough to get much work done in many months now.

The projects are discussed in detail at ladychi's journal, and consist of two books: a cookbook & a book of original fiction.

We'd love to have contributions from any and all of you; you don't have to be part of the greater Doctor Who community to participate! And I know that most of you have fantastic recipes to share, if nothing else. :)

Please do take a minute to go read the post at ladychi's journal. Deadline is November 13th for contributions.

And thank you, all of you, for continuing to bolster us with your friendships.

cancer, cooking, health, lupus, publishing, ladychi

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