Well, now that's interesting

Aug 10, 2009 06:44

Hmm. Well, per today's radio postcard on BBC Wales that Russell T Davies, Julie Gardner, and for this week also David Tennant and Euros Lyn "sent home" from LA ... Tennant auditioned for "a big Hollywood film."

He describes what it was like after not having to audition for the last few years (spoiled in the UK, indeed! hah!), and sort of how it went (being self-deprecating, as usual, bless), and how bizarre and strange it was (yeah, they always are, especially in LA). But of course no information on what it was for, who the director was, or even who the casting director was.

But that's rather interesting, eh? I'd gone on the record that he'd be doing some business and perhaps some auditions while he was in the LA area -- guess I was correct in that.

(Note: link above goes to postcard #1 from Friday. Today's, Monday, should be up on the BBC Wales site later today. Or you can listen on iPlayer -- it was about 40 min into the show. I'm afraid I didn't look at the clock, so I may be off on that timing.)

david tennant

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