Hmmm: Was This the Mysterious 3rd DW Project?

Jul 29, 2009 04:18

I find it interesting that no one on my FL has seemed to notice that in that terrific IGN interview with David Tennant, Russell T Davies, and Julie Gardner, this little throwaway:

IGN: David, have you processed that you're not going to go back and get in the suit again ever, or at least for a long while ( Read more... )

david tennant, doctor who

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principia July 29 2009, 15:22:24 UTC
I'd mused elsewhere that that little tidbit might've been the swansong for The Third Project, whatever that was going to be. A little extra thing probably was something for CiN, and somebody got pissy over either time, credits, or money.

I suspect that the next time people are given some opportunity to put questions to the Who folks it may be exactly 'So what was the third project?'


editrx July 29 2009, 20:20:27 UTC
I sure hope someone asks, but I think from the way it was said, they're not supposed to say what happened, not rock that boat. I think we'll probably never know for certain unless someone slips up.


principia July 29 2009, 20:37:40 UTC
There is, of course, the possibility that the person who threw the wrench into the works isn't any of the actors or the until-Series-5-starts TPTB. If the sets needed are no longer extant, for one thing, that could be the death knell right there. Or if someone claims they can't give them the studio time. Etc. (Not to mention the OHNOESTHEREMIGHTBESOMETHINGNEWWITHOUTMATTSMITH factor.)

I have to wonder if they'd have time to do an ANIMATED version of the same thing, in which case the TARDIS interior can still look like Ten's TARDIS, et al. I suppose not. *le sigh*


editrx July 29 2009, 20:42:40 UTC
I dunno if it's just the sets, simply from the "we can't say what this really is" language they both used; more like what happens when something goes wonky in the BBC hierarchy or a person threw in a wrench or whatever, and this crew is so careful not to ever say anything bad about the entire DW works or BBC. They're very diligent, all of them, about being gracious, which I wish I saw more of in the US media. Sigh. (Which is why I made that decision, so long ago now, to leave the business because I would have to become like Them in order to succeed, and I didn't want to, frankly, become someone I hated.)

As to animation -- alas, it takes a lot of time. And it's already July.

I think I need caffeine. Not sure any of that made sense.


editrx July 29 2009, 20:47:38 UTC
Yeah, I was carefully trying not to mention the "OHNOESTHEREMIGHTBESOMETHINGNEWWITHOUTMATTSMITH factor," but it's gotta be pretty strong, from everything I know (and from what I know of the people in charge, on a personal basis -- granted, I never had to work with any of them, so I try to ignore my hindbrain & be gracious myself, because frankly I'm not involved, just an armchair fan for this ride).


principia July 29 2009, 21:41:35 UTC
Of course this all still begs the question of what the mysterious scifi project that DT couldn't talk about that isn't The Third Project is.


editrx July 29 2009, 21:43:30 UTC
Mmmmm. Email me sometime -- it's a guess of mine, but based on information I know from the source. I know I'm sounding coy -- I just don't want to talk about it publicly because it is just a guess and involves not just someone in the business but a friend.


principia July 29 2009, 21:49:17 UTC
I know a lot of people keep saying he's going to be cast as The Riddler in the third Nolan Batman movie, but a) I still think that's mostly wishful thinking based on the manip posters that one artist did some time back and b) that would be a rather excessive stretch of the definition of scifi.

Which isn't to say he wouldn't be grand, but still.

(Side note: RYAN REYNOLDS as Hal Jordan? *sticks finger down throat*)

ETA: I've sent you a PM.


editrx July 30 2009, 00:25:18 UTC
::laughs:: Oh, no, not the Riddler. Lord. I keep hoping that rumor gets itself dead for good, but it keeps coming back. It's almost as silly as the Hobbit.


principia July 30 2009, 03:27:25 UTC
I suspect it's half wishful thinking by a DT fanboy, and half wishful thinking by someone who would like to see a more serious take on the character.

Having said that, in terms of how Nolan has tended to go with villains who go for big body counts, that's just not the Riddler. Never has been.

Hell, he's not even a villain anymore in the comics, at least not at the moment.


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