Well, now I'm the Crazy Cat Lady

Jul 19, 2009 21:45

Our fifth cat has joined the household:

Meet Spike

He's a black tuxedo with undertones of brown, extremely plush fur, polydactyl on all four paws (!), and has little white markings on his upper lip that look like fangs.


Anyway, he's in the guest bedroom right now, crying (poor guy), though we've given him fresh new toys (untouched by other paws), a new food bowl, water, box, etc. I think he doesn't know why we've kidnapped him, even though he's been asking to come inside for weeks now.

He's clearly feral, about 9 months old (not quite full grown) but after a couple of weeks, just like Natasha (who is also clearly of the same feral pack in the neighborhood -- they look very alike and even have the same fur consistency), he started flirting with us, rubbing legs, asking for pets, and even has been doing belly flops on the back deck when we come out to give him food and company. So, I decided that long before cold weather comes back, and before the autumn rains set in, he would become an indoor cat.

I hope he doesn't think we're awful people for putting him in a room by himself. But until we get him checked on Tuesday morning, he can't have contact with the other cats.

Also started him on Revolution tonight. Hope he doesn't have tapeworms, too. We'll deal with it if he does.

Another angle of our new handsome boy:


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