Life and everything

Jun 19, 2008 19:48

I realize I haven't posted since Fielder died.

It's been up and down. I've tried to keep busy.

The ongoing war between Dawn and the new kitty, Natasha (the black & white catling we rescued from the neighborhood and placed her kittens in homes) is ... well, ongoing. The worst part is Natasha is a very sweet, very gentle cat who doesn't want to fight.

She's protecting herself as best she can, but still Dawn attacks her at every turn, and Natasha may end up giving up and living in the upstairs bedroom. A fate a 1-yr-old cat should not have to endure! We've tried everything, done everything right (please, no suggestions, folks! we know all the tricks and all the psychology -- don't waste your breath and just annoy us), and still no joy. And now, Rico the tiny Aby is learning to be aggressive around Natasha from Dawn's attitude! Ack.

It goes on.

I work. I sleep. A lot. I have gotten to the point where my doctors are concerned and soon I will undergo a sleep study because the neurologist they sent me to thinks I have narcolepsy. Just what I needed. Another disease to add to the list. Just so long as they fix it (with drugs, one assumes), I don't care. I can't go on sleeping up to 14 hours a day every day. I can't get my work done! And I'm missing the lovely weather here in New England.

No joke. It has been lovely. I've finally planted a garden in the front of the house which looks lonely and forlorn and rather spare right now, but in a couple of years should be absolutely lovely. White Flower Farm, I love you. (And love Andrew Sigel, who gave us the gift certificate years ago that I used to get the collection I planted.)

And exciting news during this lull in my journaling:


Wooohoooo! Finally! I iz a reel riter. For a book that isn't exactly NYT list, and is nonfiction to boot, that's not a bad first quarterly royalty check.

I'm exhausted now. A nap before dinner is in order.

lupus, publishing, books, narcolepsy

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