Thank God the Primary is Tomorrow

Jan 07, 2008 19:27

I have simple needs:

It would make my day to have a real human, making a real phone call, with real conversation ... call my phone.

If I get one more political robocall I'm going to go insane.

Yesterday's phone log:

polls - 10
robocalls - Republican - 19
robocalls - Democratic - 8
live calls - Republican - 0
live calls - Democratic - 5

And the days previous were worse.

Thank God the New Hampshire primary is tomorrow. One more day of this would be Too Much. Zoo? Circus? Those words can't begin to encompass living next to Manchester, NH, which right now is a giant gravity well of the United States because of the sheer numbers of politicos, bloggers, reporters, and sightseers encompassed therein. One more and I fear a black hole will develop and we'll all be sucked into the bizarro universe where politicians rule the land.

Wait. Um ... Damn.


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