Nothing, in Many Words

Jan 14, 2009 07:01

Awake. Booooooooo. Not sure why. I have not had enough sleep at all but I had that sort of twitchy awakeness where you can't stay in bed and hope it'll go away.

Last week's bookbinding was Folding Paper. This week I got to make holes in the paper and start sewing it together. There is another n00b now which is nice and means we can be taught in a nice wee group and share the excitement of paperfolding.

I think the corduroy levels are even higher than the beard quotient. Partly this is because women are more likely to sport corduroy than beards mainly thanks to my lovely tweezers hurrah. It is also hard to feel woefully old in a room where I am so far under the average age, which is a nice contrast with the FEAR of that dressmaking course where women about my age had children at secondary school and my head got all confused.

Speaking of spawn, I had to go today to a babywarming for a child with an Arab father and Polish mother where very little English consequently ended up being spoken since there was the Manly Conversation in Arabic and the Baby Talk in Polish, but I remained relatively unterrified despite not really knowing people. Go me. After a while some slightly older children came and sat with me by the fishtank and we spoke of fish. That was pleasing. Children get much more exciting once they can talk. I can never think of anything to say about babies. One of said babies was called Sorsha and my culturally sensitive immediate thought was to hope quite hard that her future classmates never see Willow. Oh my failiness.

Maybe my body is awake out of hunger. I might try putting food in it.

Harry is brilliant for swift updates because he seems to start up faster and it is somehow less of a Commitment than sitting down at a desky computer. This in itself is clearly not sufficient justification for a netbook, but it is a useful Bonus. Also he uses less power which is good.

I was thinking of finding a vaguely suitable handbag for transporting him in and then customising it with extra padding in one of the sections. I do not think my sewing confidence and motivation is up to making a whole bag but messing with an existing one quite appeals. I would like something that can be my normal bag and then have Harry in it should I require him, as I am not keen on the trauma of Changing Handbags. It will probably be a bit cumbersome, but then I tend to prefer handbags of the "ha ha do you have the kitchen sink in there?" variety anyway.

Clancy was doing that thing earlier where he goes so flat on my knee that it looks as though he's been sat on. It is bizarre and a bit disconcerting. He still seems quiet and I am pondering persuasion strategies re: nother pig. The suggestion did not go down too well, obviously, but really once I have an illicit peeeg I do not think another one makes it any worse. Obviously there is the worry that Clancy and Newpig would not get on but I think Clancy is a pretty social beast. And I am sure shelters are used to the idea of people going to get a companion pig and will take them back if absolutely necessary. Also that way I could have a non-baby pig and not have to risk them bonding but then falling out when Newpig reached adolescence. And although I do not feel huge OMG PEEG enthusiasm for the idea it is pretty much a given that I would fall madly in love with Newpig once he existed.

I love animals quite a lot. Despite the stupid stress of (a)illicit pet-owning and (b)Baba's terrifying rage re: illicit pet-owning, and despite that bit when an animal has just died where you vow never to do that to yourself again because you can't take it, my beasts are still a primary source of wellbeing and the prospect of being a crazy cat lady one day is made quite reasonable by the cat aspect. The important thing is to have a support network of crazy cat ladies with whom to exchange knitting tips and lolcats. Imagine how bizarre lolcats will seem when we're all seventy and bemusing the Young Things with them. Good times.

I am required to do Lettering on my two initial books I make before they let me at real books. I need suggestions to save my first book from being Steve the Book and thus marring his Treasured Memento status with my current conviction that the name Steve is hilarious.

I am still not tired. Bah. I shall have muesli and ill-advised tea and read until my natural knackeredness levels emerge.
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