Elysium: Another filum review

Aug 22, 2013 23:58

So back in May I posted that Oblivion was a Tom Cruise vehicle with pretty aethsetics and a fair predicable plot. I stand by this, it was pretty, it was predictable, it had Morgan Freeman dressed in black leather and massive cigar.

Then a couple of posts later I compared Star Trek: Into Darkness to Drive Angry and noted that William Fichtner should have played Admiral Marcus.

I note this because I have just seen Elysium. Elysium has a wonderful aethestic, it is a great vehicle for it's main star, it is better than Drive Angry and more exciting than Star Trek: Into Darkness. And yes, it's got William Fitchner playing Admiral Marcus.

(disclaimer: dirty and realistic is a perfectly valid aesthetic; predictable doesn't mean you have any idea quite how a thing will end other than one obvious fact; the main star is not the guy playing the protagonist; Admiral Marcus... well, William Fichtner. 'nuff said.)

ps. It's the guy what did District 9. It's not too dissimilar in style or content to that.

review, filums, elysium

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