A short filum review

Jan 14, 2010 00:33

Tonight I went to the movies tonight and saw two films which I shall review behind appropriate cuts. However first I have to give two predictions for films I saw the trailers for:

Clash of the Titans will be awesome. It won't go down well judging by the reaction of the audience I was in, but lets just say that the trailer looks like it's exactly my kind of film (greek dudes fight snake/bat/sea monsters while a glowing Liam Neeson sits back and does the Olympian version of munch popcorn and call for more).

The Crazies will not be taken seriously. The mass spontanious laughter which greeted the title in the audience I was in does not bode well for a straight horror film.

Daybreakers is a good film. It's a film about blood and thus probably avoided by the squeemish. It's also a film about vampires. Good, old fashioned yellow eyed bloodsucking villeins with zero tolerance for direct sunlight and really good dress sense. It's short but very well paced and has the decency to infer far more than is ever stated and let the view fill in the blanks. It's also got Sam Niel in it, having terrific fun playing the leading bad guy.

Sherlock Holmes involved an evil magician attempting to take over the British Empire by through a reign of terror caused by a series of murders throughout London which only the world's greatest detective can solve.

There, I have spoiled precisely none of the film, because the plot is truly awful. But that's not what this film is about. It's about Holmes and Watson and it's got a great set of actors in it and some pretty good cinematography. So yeah, not really about the clues, or evidence, or reasoning. It's about a snarky war veteran and his semi-sane but brilliant housemate causing havoc and solving crime in Victorian London. It's got guns, boxing, explosions and a fighting style best described as Holmes-Fu. It's a fun if slightly silly film. Oh and Watson isn't an idiot, which has to count for something.


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