(no subject)

Jan 10, 2006 23:51

Following on from atreic's post:

If you were to produce a "faithful"1 version of Macbeth, who would you cast as whom?

1By which I mean done with swords and castles and the origional language and only having extra scenes in the cinema release which could be reasonable cut from a schools version

Ok, so I admit I haven't got past Macbeth yet, although I reckon Sean Connery or Patrick Stewart (I'd prefer Sean Connery) would make a damn good Duncan.

My problem is this: I have an overwhelming desire to make the whole thing RSC, the problem with most of the RSC is that they just don't (IMHO) have the build for 11th century Scottish warlords (sorry, thanes). This asside Macbeth himself poses a particular problem, you see the ideal candidate for such a role is a well known, well respected film star who has made a career out of playing The Big Hard Toughguy. I'm thinking of people like John Wayne (before he got old), Clint Eastwood (ditto), Arnie and Sly Stalone. This would very nicely play to the tragic hero element, these are guys who have made a (long and well-known) career out of being The Good Guy and it would add a certain kudos for one of them to have their first role as bad guy be to be the classic story about The Good Guy falling from grace. My problems with this requirement are my other requirements:

a)They should be able to act their way out of a paper bag.
b)They should be the right build and age to portray a 40 year old medieval knight.
c)They should ideally have a (English or Scottish) decent accent.

Regretably Ecclestone and Jonny Depp fail on b), Cosner and Jackman fail on c) (and possibly (a) and the possible lack of gravitas right now but I could be wrong on those) and everybody's seen Sean Bean play a pysco so the whole "Action hero to Tragic hero" thing doesn't work.

Kirk Douglas in 1960-1970 would have been fantasic. Harrison Ford might just pull it off, if he can do Scottish (or English if you want to entertain the Scots).

I leave the rest to the comments boxes

x-posted to cult_media

films, macbeth

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