Well it hasn't been the greatest of weeks I've got say. It started badly on Monday when I left my embroidery on the bus or train (not sure which) on the way in to work in the morning. It was a piece of work for
bend_gules and had done quite a lot of work on which I now need to start again. Arse.
I have agreed to be head cook at Crown feast in March - ahh...still not sure why!? Never cooked or planned for anything this large. I told my brother (a professional chef) a couple of weeks ago and he just laughed and said he would have to come a help! I think I will make him call me "chef" all weekend if he does.
Anyway I digress, as part of the menu planning, I went around Duke Alaric's on Wednesday. I knew then I wasn't well but solidered on. Went into work on Thursday morning and managed about 1 hour before giving up, I had a really nasty cold and cough, I spent Thursday and Friday in bed feeling miserable. By Saturday I was starting to feel better and decided to venture out but only managed about 40 minutes before I had to head home again. Today has again been spent coughing, sleeping and not feeling happy.
It is not great being ill at the best of times but 3 weeks before Xmas is not great becuase I have a load of stuff that needs to be done which I have totally failed to do.
I hope I feel better soon as this week is crazy busy because we Eddie Izzard on Tuesday, work Xmas party on Thursday and the Byztanitum exhibtion on Friday.