Nov 22, 2009 10:45
OOHHH MYYY GOD. This sucks. So it’s like, I wake up all hungover and I cant function properly. Atleast it’s a Sunday and not a Saturday, so that weekend nonsense is over. Shit.,
Well lets get everyone up to speed….Friday we went to transmission. ::hits self in face::
Fuck, yeah so anyways..we went to transmission, which turned into a big disaster, WTF. What else is new. I went with Bryant, so it’s like we’re pre’ gaming it ya know, like usual. I decided to go in around 12:30, he needed some more time for a pink floyed session.., so he planned on meeting me in there in about a half hour. So its like, im walking up and I realize it’s a total fashion catastrophe because the one day I wear my flannel EVERYONE else was wearing theirs, which I guess was a good thing since it might work as camouflage…. Well it didn’t…. because right when I handed the door man my money he said “i better not catch you drinking in here little missy” (minus the little missy). So I replied back with a very genuine sounding “no way I’ve learned my lesson L ‘…………….(LIES!!!!!) all of them lies!
For one I had already been drinking, so when I heard that they were playing justice’s “stress, I was thrilled. I was like ‘system overload..ahhhh. I blasted through the sea of flannel and started flailing around in a manic frenzy, which was interrupted by having to piss. So I began my usual routine of making “friends” in the bathroom (and by friends I mean people who probably find me extremely obnoxious.) so I had this steely reserve’y in my purse like a badass. I busted it out and started drinking it all willy nilly. I thought I had my shit on lock, but I was wrong. Dun dun dun.
I ran into some old thrusday in the square buddies who were decked out in rave gear. OH shit! And I think the loneliest dancer was celebrating his BDAY!!!!!!!!!!! He ..(I think it was him?) he was sitting at a table with THE BIGGEST PARTY HAT EVER on his head.
So anyways lets get this shit over with, ultimately I got kicked out for underage drinking. FUCK. They sent a spy into the bathroom and they caught me! I should have known. The lady grabbed my arm, pulled me out of the bathroom and showed me the door. Instead of saying “goodbye, hope to see you again J” she said “I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN” . which in my drunken state really hurt my feelings, and I wanted to cry. (later I think I may have) nothing big, maybe just one or two tears ran down my face. I got back to the car and Bryant still hadn’t finished his pink floyed session. I told him the news and he told me his battery died and his dad was coming to jump it. GREAT I thought, that’s exactly what I need, a Mr. Carlson battery jumpin’ hootenanny. Afterwards we went back to braynts and smoked some weed. I watched in amazement when he played dragonforce on expert (it gets me every time) then we watched videos of people guitar dueling, and then Bryant had his own guitar battle with the one, the only , buckethead. Eventually I went home, I frantically made my bed and went downstairs to start tarring up the refrigerator. When I was done with my eating extravaganza I proceeded to watch Tim and Eric awesome show ALL NIGHT LONG. It was the ultimate blast.
Alright, well moving on to Saturday. …………
I woke up around 3:00 and called Ashley, we decided that we were going to party later, and we did. We ended up going to scotts frat. It was pretty cool I guess. I was drinking the JOOSE and the steely. I ended up getting pretty drunk I guess. At one point they even had the tambourine going. It was slightly bumpin in the basement, and they kept serving me beer it was cool. I don’t think I made any deep connections though. Oh shit, and I think the Fizzod-O showed up. So I don’t know, that was pretty much that, we left sometime in the night..and now im wakening up all hungover. Hoo-ra.
My room is a mess. I cant deal with a messy room when im hungover, but usually im to hung over to clean it, so maybe I’ll just light a nice candle for some soothing ambiance. I know I went on another eating frenzy last night from the scattering on tv dinner boxes and plates on my floor. Awesome. Fuck. The sleeve of my coat has fallen into a salad bowl. Whatever. Soon my mom will be waking up, she’ll be like “do you want to have our tea now?” and I’ll be like “in a second”. yes, me and my mom live like the brits. We take our tea around one o’clock on the veranda. it’s a lovely ritual. Alright, well I’ve had enough of this. I gotta go continue being all hungover. See ya.