I don't think I'm in Kansas anymore...

Jun 26, 2008 18:17

This place is nothing like Kansas! It's full of really hot, humid air, people with thick accents and bizarre looking palm trees. The people are really nice, but I make them repeat themselves a lot, and they ask me if I'm from Canada. No one, thankfully, has plastered me a yankee yet and brought out their rifle. Apparently I am incognito.

So, tomorrow I am officially 13 weeks pregnant. The little booklet they gave me at the Grand Rapids, MI OB/GYN office delightfully proclaims that I will now be feeling better, have more energy, and the morning sickness will have gone away. Evidently no one bothered to inform my fetus of this, because I have managed to vomit 3/4 days this week, and even two days back-to-back, which has never actually happened before. Could it be that I am one of the unfortunate few to be sick through the entire pregnancy? Dear God, please let it not be so! I need to be productive now more than ever, and instead I am alone and feeling awful. Even sleep is now escaping me, as I wake up to eat and pee. I always thought I would take pregnancy much better than I am--I feel like such a wimp.

Work has been understanding. I tote around a lunch bag full of applesauce, carrots, sandwich crackers, cottage cheese and granola bars. Other than a few odd looks the first couple days, people have come to accept my public all-day-eating-buffet. No one seems to mind that I call my fetus, "Fetus" either. I like that word. It sounds weird, like some sort of southern alien. Don't worry, I promise not to name it "Fetus"--that would be wrong. Amusing, but wrong.

So what else is new? Well, my apartment is okay. I don't like climbing all the steps, but I'll make due. I sleep on an air mattress in my living room, where my approximately 10"x10" television desperately tries to grasp on to the one channel that seems to make it through the wall--NBC. I moved to the living room because it's a little cooler than both of the bedrooms, and I can watch T.V. while laying down on something other than the floor. The air conditioner seems to run constantly, though I must say I'm still not ready to turn the temperature higher than 77 degrees yet. 80 will have to wait until I acclimate more. Even then I imagine it will still run all day. I don't want to see that first electricity bill. Especially since the first paycheck doesn't come until July 24th. Ouch.

Oh well. I hope all of the rest of you fine people are doing well. I'll keep you updated on things as they happen.
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