Jun 13, 2007 09:32
Yesterday was a bust all day but I got a couple movies watched and ate well. Today is all about ignoring house work and getting home work done for Saturday. I'm in a low patch, feeling yucky about things in general. I guess that is just part the scene of living ya?
Last night I dreamt Pi and I had farm land in rural Ontario. We were fixing up an old house and people talked about us, they said any house we bought and resold had great resale value because of how we'd fix it up. It felt sad some how though, plus it was weird because Pi would not live in a winter land, like, ever. In the dream I was doing crazy wall mosaics.
Today it struck me that we are missing all the Father's and Mother's day celebrations in both his country and mine - like a pair of dorks. So I will email my Pi and instruct him to start picking things up to make care packages for all our close relatives (insert the brother/sister-in-law factor here). Then in one big swoop we can hit 'em all saying we appreciate them everyday so screw those calender holidays;-) Ya!
Damn I'm in a creative slump - I thought maybe if I tried to write a little I'd get the juices flowing but all I want to do now is lurk in on other peoples lives (blogs) because I'm finding mine with its mile high dirty dishes and ubber home work pretty lame-ass at the moment. Why can't I be super cosmopolitan with a tight ass and gobs of cash and super tech skills? Why can't I be in some snobby cafe where all the cool adult kids hang out with their Mac's drinking impossibly exotic hot drinks wearing jewelery I made and they don't even know it? Why? Why??????
Sigh - fine then - I'll go now and do my damn home work and maybe join IDI some Interior Design Union thingy - that will be the start of my super snobby dream - ya! a designers association... I'll get invited to socials and have to buy a whole new wardrobe to make a good impression on potential colleague's - I'll be attending these functions by the end of summer. Sigh, sigh, sigh. Even my little easily attained big plans don't excite me today - that's it I'm blaming the weather for this because I'm in a blaming mood. ha!
The truth is my home work is kinda cool - I have to go black and white copy some furnature then go to a cafe close by and see if it all fits proper on my presentation board - go back make more copies of varying sizes until it all gels nicely. Then at home glue it all on and make title blocks for it. Tomorrow's home work is all about textured samples getting glued on presentation boards which is a bit more challenging. I guess I'm just tired and kinda meh! today. Oh well:-)