let me love you down

Mar 06, 2006 17:07

that sweetie pie sugar honey everything of mine.

We've gotten so much closer, it's ridiculous. It seems we're getting closer and closer as time passes by. It's...the best. <3

I'm going to swim practice soon. Which is good, since i'm gaining weight. Fresno was fun..but there is no doubt that I've gained weight from eating Wendy's and Pizza all day. ugh.

swim practice. Yeah. Ugh. I dont want to, but I know I have to. And I have to try hard.

This Wednesday I have a swim meet, and also on Friday. I want to be super super duper uber fast. Yeah. I need to try.

<3 I'm asking Adrian to Sadies on Thursday. (Random Day. hehe)
I'm really excited. I hope he says yes, or else I'll just die.

(okay. My mind is all jumbled right now, I'm jumping leaping from thought to thought.

OH! my Ipod came back. Finally.
I don't think they fixed it. Those bastards. It's a little bit better, but not by a lot.

I wish I were skinnier. I think I want to go to Platinum.

fuck. I wish I were prettier too.
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