im addicted to these things..

Aug 11, 2004 18:59

hi my luvs! (and to those of you who read this lame shit): mandi's wednesday..wasnt so hem so here we go.... so i woke up around 11 - ate breakfast, called cait, and got readi for my ortho. appt. eeek i hate when he digs all up in your mouth and shit, i mean come on your crossing personal boundaries. -anywho- so after my appt. me n mommie went n got some lunch and after we did some shopping YAY..and i finally got my jeans fixed (the ones i busted out of at the movies) yeah. if you were there you were probably one of the many who stood around pointing and laughing till the cops came over "break it up, break it up" i hate those damn mall cops, but thank you for what little reputation i have left :) i came home had a few calls from finni...we were gonna hang out tonite but noooo the rents leave me here in this hellhole to babysit the lil devil..rarhhh.. but neways, called cait, hoping we might do something for a lil bit, but no she was 'busy' as usual..sniff i dont know why i even TRY to make plans, if all that ever happens is mandi spends the whole day getting readie, gets stood up, left home, looking cute with nowhere to go..i donno mom says i should try being BUSY for once and maybe she'll decide she actually MISSES her best friend, and wants to actually talk to me for more than 3 seconds and see at least make the effort to come see me..i donno i just hope that once school starts again, things will go back to normal..its just so odd that when i go out, i expect cait to be there and shes not, and i expect that ill be living at her house on weekends like usual, and i dont..i just miss the old days :( i want them back wahhhh...but neways, i must eat because my tummy is growling at me and wants to be fed..junior make a difference day tomorrow a.k.a. CULT REUNION..oh the joy! well im owtttt..g'bye<3

i never felt so beautiful, baby as i do that im with you :)

oh heres a few more quizzes for you to read (i doubt you even do) but hell, they entertain me...geez im addicted, its pathetic 
Have you ever:

1. Kissed your cousin: okay this REALLY a good way to start this off...i think not
2. Ran away: yeah man. my g-ma's house, i know i know im SO hardcore.
3. Pictured your crush naked: okay, so im human and im horny. wut else is new?
4. Skipped school: [sick/puppie face] "oh mommie i dont feel so good"
5. Broken someone's heart: unfortunately.
6. Been in love: uh huhhhh - id say right this minute :) hallo mr.wonderful
7. Cried when someone died: yep, im your regular neighborhood emo.
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: well duh
9. Broken a bone: no which is surprising
10. Done something embarrassing: my whole existence is embarrasing.
12. Cried in school: yeah. thank god for counselors!


13. Coke or Pepsi: ah Coke
14. Sprite or 7UP: Sprite
15. Girls or Guys: guys
16. Flowers or Candy: flowers. aw how cute
17. Scruff or Clean shaved: scruff is so hawt.
18. Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes of course :)
19. Bitchy or Slutty: bitchy
20. Tall or Short: tall
21. Pants or Shorts: shorts
22. Night or Day: im a nightowl.


23. What do you notice first: eyes and smile.
24. Last person you slow danced with: uh? finnan i believe
25. Worst Question To Ask You: "so how much do you weigh? [wink wink]" ... riiiight like im gonna tell you assbag!


26. Showered: i dont remember it was awhile ago. (ive been taking bubble baths for over a week)
27. Stepped outside: yesterday?..rahhh im confined to the house
28. Had Sex: oh just now. im still trying to hide the whips and chains ;)
29. Romantic memory: wednesday
30. Your Good Luck Charm: cait.
31. Person You Hate Most: thats a tuffie. id hafta say either bird or sweater
32. Best Thing That Has Happened: finding cait...and then meeting finnan :)
33. On your desk: dasani water bottle. a random bowl. lots of paper. towel/ice pack. and more
34. Picture on your desktop: ashlee simpson rahhh shes so hawt


35. Color: pink!
36. Movie: a walk to remember/pirates of the carribean
37. Artist or band: britney spears and ashlee simpson
38. Car: anything old. like a 69 corvette.. yeah baby
39. Ice Cream: choc. chip cookie dough
41. Breakfast Food: who cares? its food.


42. Makes you laugh the most: li*li, cait, and tophie
43. Makes you smile: finnan :)
44. Can make you feel better no matter what: caitlyn jeanne kramer
45. Has A Crush On You: actually its a mutual thing, ya kno
46. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: sadly its more than a crush.
47. Who Has it easier guys or girls?: guys def
48. Gives you A Funny Feeling When You See Them: aw like butterflies :) ..i get those with finni


49. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: yeah, but i usually fall asleep waiting.
50. Save AIM conversations: if i need it for later.
61. Save E-mails: (same as above)
52. Forward secret E-mails: no how ghey
53. Wish you were someone else: no, im content with being me.
54. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: well, i really DONT want a penis. so thanks but ill pass
55. Wear perfume: yeah
56. Kiss: uh yeah, like any other normal teen my age
57. Cuddle: aw yes, its wonderful :)
58. Go online for longer than eight hours at a time: [sighs] i confess, im addicted okay?


59. Fallen for your best friend?: well considering my bf's a girl..ill hafta check no please.
60. Made out with JUST a friend?: hahah guilty!
61. Kissed two people in the same day?: more like 6 or 7
62. Had sex with two different people in the same day?: o yeah all the time
63. Been rejected: of course.
64. Been in love?: well i think so - at the moment, yes
65. Been in lust?: who hasnt?
66. Used someone?: never
67. Been used?: unfortunately.
68. Cheated on someone?: no
69. Been cheated on?: no no - oh wait, yeah. many times. pshht asshole
70. Been kissed?: uhh yeah
71. Done something you regret?: more times than id like


72. You touched?: prob mommie
73. You talked to?: cait
74. You hugged?: mommie
75. You instant messaged?: meggie
76. You kissed?: finnan
77. You yelled at?: jessie
78. You thought about?: cait. when will you be home? :(
79. Who text messaged you?: since im phone-less. yeah.
80. Who broke your heart?: lets not get into that
81. Who told you they loved u?: megan :) i love you too.


82. Color your hair?: no, but there was that one time. lol
83. Have tattoos?: not yet
84. Have piercings?: ears
85. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: uhh sort-of, im not shure wut we are?
86. Own a webcam?: no
87. Own a thong?: quite a few
88. Ever get off the damn computer?: is that a trick question?
89. Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: ehmm???
90. Habla espanol?: si, dos anos
91. Quack?: on occasion


92. Stolen anything?: well yeah but im not a klepto. i swear!
93. Smoke?: ew no
94. Schizophrenic?: uuhhh no
95. Obsessive?: i was EXTREMELY, but that passed
96. Compulsive?: no?
97. Obsessive compulsive?: no but i know of some people who would fall under that category lol
98. Panic?: like hyperventilate and shit? no
99. Anxiety?: sometimes
100. Depressed?: i was for quite some time, but thats all over.

-another one-

Name: Amanda
Nicknames: Mandy, Mandi, Mandarin, Manda Ann, Mander, Mandelyn, Dock Ann...uhhh is that it?
Eyes: brown/hazel
Height: 5'3" / 5'4"
Siblings: older and younger sister
Hair color: brown/red
Sex Before Marriage? no
Been so drunk you threw up? no, but i threw up from a hangover once
Wanted to hook up with a friend: well of course. and it worked :)
Cried during a Flick: many times, im such an emo
Had a crush on a teacher: ew thatd b weird, considering most of my teachers were always FEMALE
Prank called someone: many times haha i love it
been on stage: yeah
Shampoo: tresemme
Body wash: dove
Summer/Winter: summer-no school .. winter-cute clothes
Union or Confederate: i have no idea what your saying?
Like anyone as more than friends: hahah thats funnie. yeah

------ Friends----

Known the longest of your friends: katy
who's the loudest: probably me or li*li
Who's the shyest: ash
Who do you go to for advice: cait
Who do you cry with: cait

---------IN THE LAST 2 Weeks------------

Cried: from the pain of sugery - yes .. emotionally - no
Cut your hair: nope
Worn a skirt: no ive been home for lets see..11 days already
Been mean: i wouldn't doubt it.
Been sarcastic: yeah with the madre
Talked to someone you have a crush on?: yes :)
Missed someone/something: yes sniff i want my cait ANDDDDD the cult!!!
Hugged someone: yeah
Fought with your parents: most likely
Laughed until you cried: i cant laugh.. it hurts :(
Played Truth or Dare: no
Read a book for fun: no just out of pure boredom

-------Do you believe in.....--------

God: yes
Love: definitely
The Big Bang Theory: not reallie...
Heaven/Hell: both

--random questions --

What is your full name? Amanda Lynnette Catherine D'Aquin
Whats the story behind your name?: Amanda-"one who is loved" .. Lynnette-my great grandmas name .. Catherine-confirmation name
Backstreet Boys or N Sync?: N Sync
What was the the last thing that you said online? "hurry i have more pics you fool" (to megan)
What is right next to you?: calculator, blanket, paper
What was the last thing that you ate? apple pie
What is your favorite state(s)?: lousiana, mississippi, florida<3
How many buddies do you have on your list: 200
What did you do last night?: go to the hospital :(
What's the best thing that you find attractive about the opposite sex?: hair, eyes, smile
Favorite hair color in the opposite sex: light brown
Pizza or ice cream?: pizza blahh im so sick of ice cream
What do you want to be when you grow up? neonatal nurse
Are you too shy to ask someone out?: no ive done it before
If you could change your name, what would it be?: Laine
What will your first son's name be?: Hunter David
Daughter? Cameran Lane
Do you consider cheerleading a sport?: shure

-oh look yet another one-

[i know]: i should REALLY get off the comp and wash my hair.
[i want]: to fully recover in the next 24 hours.
[i have]: a fetish for wild 'sex music'
[i wish]: i could see cait
[i hate]: all you fake mother fuckers
[i miss]: being healthy :(
[i fear]: death
[i hear]: my mom talking obnoxiously loud
[i love]: to sing. laugh. cuddle. be tickled. to be with finnan...and cait
[i care]: about him ALOT
[i will always]: love my bffaeutwfaawtiuwg!
[i dance]: whenever cait feels like teaching me (i basically SUCK)
[i cry]: when i think about the old times and when i hear "from the bottom of my broken heart"
[i write]: poems
[i confuse]: myself and most likely everyone around me
[i can usually be found]: with cait or raving about finnan
[i need]: to get out of my house

-Am I A-
[wuss]: sadly, yes.
[druggie]: sorrie no
[gang member]: no but i am a member of THE CULT
[daydreamer]: definitely.
[alcoholic]: [sighs] i confess.
[freak]: i dont think so, but if you say so.
[brat]: uhm no.
[sarcastic]: almost every word that comes out of my mouth is B.S.
[goody-goody]: well i dont try to be a rebel, i guess it just comes to me.
[angel]: about 30%
[devil]: no. never. i swear. ;)
[nerd]: i prefer the term DORK. thank you.
[friend]: i would say so. extremely friendly.
[shy]: not reallie.
[talkative]: sniff, im sorrie it offends you. i reallie cant help it. blah blah blahdie blah ill stop now.
[adventurous]: i guess so
[intelligent]: gpa: 3.5 i believe. im just a smarty like that. ya kno

[your best feature (personality)]: well ive been known to crack a few say im prettie funny.
[annoying thing you do]: tell every story known to man at least 3x
[biggest mistake you've made this far]: well every mistake you make only makes you stronger. so i dont dwell on it too much.
[describe your personality in one word]: vivacious
[the physical feature for which you are most often complimented]: hair or smile.
[height]: 5'3"
[a smell that makes you smile]: wow finnan always smells WONDERFUL
[a state you'd like to visit]: hawaii
[a drink you order most often]: sprite
[a delicious dessert]: cheesecake. oh its addicting!
[a book you highly recommend]: uhmm?
[the music you prefer while alone]: michael jackson, spice girls, vanilla ice, mc hammer - alot of old school
[your favorite band]: o thats a tuffie. blink 182 or sugarcult
[a film you could watch over and over]: anything jackie chan/the sandlot
[TV show you watch regularly]: law and order almost everyday
[you live in a(n)]: house? like any OTHER normal person with a computer
[your transportation]: my mom.
[under your bed or in your closet you have]: too much. books, shoes, clothes, old socks, male porno WHAT?!

-yet another one-

[10 things in your room]
1: bed
2: dresser
3: CD player
4: mirror
5: collage of friends
6: trash can
7: desk
8: posters
9: too many shoes
10: tons of clothes all over the place

[9 things you love]
1: family
2: friends
3: sleep
4: summer
5: music
6: hanging out at the kramers
7: the feeling of being happy
8: shopping
9: the beach

[8 songs you love]
1: Jesse McCartney//Beautiful Soul
2: Jessica Simpson//I Have Loved You
3: The Beautiful Letdown//Switchfoot
4: Hoobastank//Running Away
5: DC//Vindicated
6: Plummet//Damaged
7: Ashlee Simpson//Love Makes The World Go Round
8: Vendetta Red//Shatterday

[7 characterics you like about the other gender]
1: eyes
2: smile
3: hair
4: humor
5: sensitivity
6: tan
7: muscles

[6 of your closest ladies]
1: Cait
2: Jenn
3: Meggie
4: Li Li
5: Celli Ann
6: Rachel

[5 things your wearing]
1: soffee shorts
2: chapelle tee
3: clip in hair
4: undies
5: bra

[4 of your nicknames]
1: Mandarin
2: Negro//Knee-grow
3: Manda Ann
4: Dockann

[3 words to describe you]
1: Dorky
2: Sweet
3: Funny

[2 clothes brand you wear]
1: Forever 21
2: Wet Seal

[1 thing you can't live without]
1: FOOOOD, my god where would i be without food

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