1. First best friend: katie dodge and jessica herrera
2. First love: matt blake
3. First real kiss: nicky v.!!! =[ ...whatever happened to him? he has totally managed to disappear
4. First screen name: dreamyangel7143 back in the sixth grade lol
5. First pet: junior, my dog
6. First car: not there yet. but soon, i promise =]
1. Last cigarette: dont smoke
2. Last real kiss: summer
3. Last good cry: few weeks ago
4. Last beverage drank: a sip of jasmine's dr. pepper
5. Last food consumed: buffet food @ little tokyo ...yum
6. Last crush: heh
7. Last phone call: my older brother
1. Who is your best friend: tiffany, tina, debbie, katie, cara..the list goes on
2. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend: no
1. Where are your favorite places to shop: a & f, nordstrom, beyond the beach
2. Favorite item of clothing: tops/hats
1. Do you do drugs: no
2. What kind of shampoo do you use: garnier fructis
3. What are you most scared of: being alone or big things (i.e. ship propellars, factories)
4. What would you change about yourself: my height
1. Colors: blue, brown, teal, tan, navy blue, yellow
2. Foods: sushi, coffee, french fries
3. Subject in school: english
4. Animals: dogs
5. Sports: swim, surf, tan
1. Given anyone a bath: does my dog count?
2. Smoked: n/a
3. Made yourself throw-up: no. crazy...
4. Skinny dipped: yes
5. Been in love: yes
1. Clothes: sweatshirt, sweatpants and my bare skin underneath it all
2. Music: this photograph is proof - taking back sunday
3. Make-up: none
4. IMs: jeff, ethan, tiffany, ty
2. Hugged: shane
3. IMed: cara
4. Last person who slept at your house: katie
5. Last persons house you slept at: debbie
1. In the morning I am: cranky and cold
2. Love: could be exciting, surprising, real, breathtaking, amazing, or could be the total opposite: heartbreaking, confusing, and dumb =[
3. I dream about: random things put together
1. 7 years ago: early months of my 9th year being alive. hmm...4th grade?
2. 5 years ago: i wasn't introduced to the make-up world, or tweezers for that matter. heh.
3. 3 years ago: i was naive, innocent, and in my early adolescent stages where i was curious about EVERYTHING
4. 1 hour ago: in the car on the way home from school
5. tomorrow: sleeping over at tiffany's house because our school week is over and we're going to A TWISTED CHRISTMAS in sacramento..yea ya!
6. college: community college then university.