I have always fancied the idea of living in a co-habitual environment. I would love to spend a good two years living in a single space with five or six different people. I think that that would be a worthwhile experience, really.
I mentioned this to Jess a while back and she seemed interested in the idea, too, and so we devised a plan to spend two years living in a co-habitual loft in New York once we are both done university.
The way that I see it, living in a co-habitual household with Jess can lead to any of five possibilities:
We will live a very happy two years, attending parties with famous people and three Broadway musicals every night, meeting androgynous rockstars, etcetera ...
We will slowly drive each other mad, until finally one night I will pick up a spatula and some Seram-Wrap, Jess will pick up a grandfather clock, and we will have a bloody fight to the death
We will revert into our most utterly crazy-beatnik-poet states, buy an abundance of black turtlenecks, and sit cross-legged on our unfinished floor, snapping our fingers like mad and spurting out random lines of "America, you suck because ..." into all hours of the night
We will befriend numerous musicians and record producers, after which our loft will become the meeting place for all great musicians and their posses, which (of course) will lead to fantastic singsong sessions and, yes, plenty-o-sex.
Gigantic orgies. Duh.