Feb 18, 2005 11:49
Just I poem I wrote. Nothing special.
Phonetically Blue
i transpire and transform into
the transparenttransluscenttransilvaniantransvestites
that haunt the ashcans and cinemas
and i transport myself to the world inside my canvas
which i painted there with my sundaymorningmilk
and a cobalt toothbrush
the morning was purple
with two-dimensional tangerines
illuminated by the streetlamps
with their awkward bodies
and striped hands
and we're all trapped in this blue
in this solidity of sorrow
or maybe comfort
i came here in search of my own uptopia
found it while
dancing for linoleum-lined buttons
a loop-hole through the blue
so let us shave our heads
and shimmer beneath timeless candlelight
like naked bathtub goldfish
and witness with unexplained fear and attraction
the rise in climate
at the flames lick the ice in sensational foreplay