(no subject)

Apr 08, 2008 20:59

A good day today. This really isn't of interest to anyone but me. As usual.

Met with Margaret and Yaz at this tiny (and I mean fucking tiny, I could barely fit in it) restaurant and had lunch. There was this muslim girl, a friend of margarets. Rather striking and lovely, really. her name was Nagina (that's what it sounded like to me), and she was wildly impressed when Yaz waxed poetic about what an awesome hand I had with kids. And while I'm not one to ever understate my awesomeness, she was overdoing it a bit.

Meeting Yaz was frankly depressing, though. She's only an atlantic away from living in a trailer park. Yet, it was still nice, in some strange way. Not sure how it all fits together, but there you go. Call it nostalgia.

Later on, I met up with Dan and sat in with him in his class (had nothing else to do). He asked me to read his story aloud, as he wanted to hear "the reader's voice".
"You want to hear it in American." grinned Dan's teacher, the eminent Madam Goldsworthy.
"I'm Swedish." I replied.

Coollllddd silence. Then the teacher exploded in laughter and apologies. I read the piece, gave my critique.
"Apart from that," I said after outlining the main problems. "a few awkward sentences, a few misused words-"
"Yes," said Goldsworthy. "I noticed you changed the sentences as you read."
"Yeah," says Dan. "I was going to say something, but I shut up."
"I did? I wasn't aware," said I, being very very aware.

After that, I had my own lesson, where I sat most of the time just staring into space. I had commented on Emily's screenplay, and I found myself unable to present these comments, because frankly... Well, for one thing, I don't know squat about what makes  agood screenplay. Secondly, I thought it was an awful piece of pap, what she'd written. So I was floundering, and I actually think she began to cry (Though that could've just been the onset of a cold)

Afterwards, I met with Brian Cathcart, had a long talk about my upcoming essay and he explained what the aims of the damn thing was. It was more for my emotional beneift than anything. Jut to hear outlined what's expected of me. He's a nice fellow, is mr Cathcart. Might be an idea to pursue a letter of recommendation (of course, I don't really deserve one in journalism, but there's no harm in trying).

Journalism lesson. Made some plans with Bemi for our presentation next tuesday. Went to the mill and hung with the remains fo the tet. I think Dan has taken the hint. Despite Trinity being there, he actually managed to be sociable and, lo and behold, didn't spend a single minute sucking face.

Made plans with the corners. Tomorrow, we book tickets to sweden.

This summer is shaping up to be a special kind of awesome.  The corners coming sometime in June (hopefully), later on work work work, possibly Metal Town with Erica. Then California, with Orson Scott Card and comiccon and sex. Of course, Card and ComicCon can go to hell, as long as I get laid. ( I DO love you. I promise. I don't just want you for your body).

Spent the evening researching libel stuff. Still doing it.

Life is not too bad.

Mill afterwards.
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