Ok, i just made a new community but i dont nknow how to customize the layout. if anyone could help me it would be SOOO appreciated, and feel free to join, even though the community isnt donE.
I like the horse graphic on your User Info page. In regards to your community, since I like both LotR and Harry Potter, I may as well join. I know that it's not done and you are probably going to get to this eventually, but including a bio explaining what the community is about and outlining the rules is always a good thing to do. Seeing as china_emperess8 (also my co-maintainer/co-moderator) has taken up the charge, I'm sure she'll guide you through laying out/managing the community. You'll want a banner - it adds a sense of community unity. I had help with that myself (as I have no clue how to do it). Here's some links for some interesting scenes from both movies to serve as backgrounds both for banners and tiled as a background for your community:
Lord of the Rings:
http://img-nex.theonering.net/images/scrapbook/4630.jpg - This one is of the infamous Ring of Power - it will need to be made smaller for a banner
http://www.the-reel-mccoy.com/movies/2003/images/ReturnOfTheKing_Gondor.jpg - Gandalf en route to the White City of Minas Tirith
Harry Potter:
http://www.cineclub.de/images/2004/06/harry-potter-3-4.jpg - The absolutely priceless scene from the movie Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
http://www.cineclub.de/images/2004/06/harry-potter-3-2.jpg - Isn't this a majestic scene (also from PoA) which captures the grounds and the castle...beautiful
This is just some suggestions. I have an entry in my journal with a bunch of html code if you are interested. You can work magic with html.
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