May 28, 2005 01:51
some quotes from JSF's 'extremely loud and incredibly close" that I needed to remeber:
"...that's the difference between Heaven and Hell! in Hell we starve! In Heaven we feed each other!" 164
"...wouldn't it be great if mattresses had space for your arm, so that when you rolled onto your side, you could fit just right?" "That would be nice." "And good for your back, probably, because it would let your spine be straight, which I know is important" "That is important" "Also, it would make snuggling easier. You know that arm constantly gets in the way?" "I do" "And making snuggling easier is very important." "Very" 170
"Shyness is when you turn your head away from something you want. Shame is when you turn your head away from something you do not want."
"life is scarier than death" 215
"She let our a laugh, and then she put her hand over her mouth, like she was angry at herself for forgetting her sadness." 254
those are just a handfull that stuck out to me so much that I marked them. Basically, what I'm saying here is, if you're looking for a book that is beautiful and sad all at the same time, try any by Jonathan Saffron Foer.