Prosthetic arms seem to be getting pretty popular around here. I'll have to get my real arm back pretty quick, I hate being a part of fads like that. I'm pretty sure Winry's busy with Harry's arm, so I could help you out.
I'd give it a week, maybe a little more. Gather any metal if you've got it, preferably steel or iron, but any miscellaneous scraps as well. I can't think of anything I really need for it. How it's attached depends on how much of the arm is still there.
Go on.
How long would this take, what would it require me to do, what would you like in exchange, and how would I have it attached.
Very well, I'll see what I can find.
As for my arm, it's gone from the shoulder.
Anything with metal in it would work too. I can remove the extra materials.
I can build an attachment like mine then.
I'm sure it won't be difficult to find something made of metal.
...An attachment?
Winry would be able to explain it better, but it's where the nerve endings attach to the automail.
Thank you.
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