Nov 09, 2004 12:54
This weekend was awesome. My mom was nice enough to check me out of school early. She's never nice to me. She doesn't like me very much, and that's evident. Anyway, we went to the mall and I did Morgan's birthday shopping. After that, I rolled out to Monterrey. We ate there, and then I went into the beauty supply store to buy weave. An older asian man rang me up and looked at me really strange. We went to K-mart and looked around. They have nothing in there. Then we drove home...I drove because my mom drank at dinner, and she's a nervous driver as it I wasn't about to let her drive. That was that. Came home, dropped off mom, and then I drove over to Chris' house. We chilled. I took Blake to his house to get a spotlight for skating, then I drove him back. Chilled with Chris some more. Then I dropped Blake off...yeah. Later on, I finished off my Mexican food and watched White Chicks.
I worked 12-4 on Saturday, and then went to Morgan's house for her party. Met a lot of cool people. Saw Ash again. I like her. She's really cool. Also met this REALLY HOT asian chick named Laura. She's half Filipino. Also met another cool girl named Davi. I talked to her a lot. Gave Morgan her present. I bought her weave. Yes. I said it. Weave. I also got her NMBC(Nightmare Before Christmas) Fuzzy Dice for her car, an NMBC antenna topper, and Lock, Shock, and Barrel buttons (also from NMBC). That was fun. I had to leave early so I could get some sleep before work..
Sunday, I woke up, got a shower, and left for work. I opened Pretzel Time again. That was alright. We flipped the fuck out on Pablo. Greedy-tip-stealing-ex-con-excuse-of-a-human-being. I can't stand that motherfucker. Afterward, my dad picked me up and we all went out to eat. We wanted to go to Fabiano's, but they were packed. We went to L&S Pizza. It was pretty good. I came home and that was that. Mom threatened to cut off my cell phone, so I asked her if she would like to pay the $240 to cut it off. She said "Well, I'll just say you got the cell without my permission!" where I said "Mom, you lame, you confirmed the account and listed me as an authorized user." She shut up after that. My mom is an idiot sometimes.
I didn't do anything yesterday. I came home; chilled. I ran errands for my mom..and conveniently drove up on Banks Mill. My grandma asked me something like "Why did I see you driving off of Banks Mill?" I told her I went to Chris' house. I did, sorta. I went past his house...and up to the church. But no one knows that. I called Chris and told him "...if anyone asks, I drove up to your house. That's it. Then I went home, ok?" Just in case they call and ask...I came home and passed the fuck out. Mom woke me up. I talked to my dad, got online, took a shower, got back online, and went to sleep.
This morning was good. Jackie brought me breakfast, because I gave her money yesterday in this class. I <3 Burger King. We just went over worksheets. We didn't do anything in SAT Prep. We didn't do anything in here today, either. Today was a good dayyyyy.