Not Your Usual Friendzy... A Matchmaking Friendzy!

Apr 16, 2020 13:48

Because I like to do things differently ok?

This friendzy is open to everyone I am connected to. The goal is to do a bit of matchmaking. Post your particulars as a comment, and then folks can read them, and match you up to others on thier friends' list they think you'd click with. Making friends thru friends always works well IRL, so why not try that here?

Altho I've made this post public, please do not invite people to this as an open friendzy call, rather involve folks as tagged names in the comments where you are making introductions. The idea behind this is that we will pair people with our own friends on here who are active on LJ, and who we think they'd click with. The public setting will allo folks tagged to see this post.

I'm starting the questionnaire with "occupation" not bc I feel that is what defines us, but bc whatever involves a major investment of our time is pertinent to who are are, and what we may post about. Your occupation may not involve a career, and that's fine - feel free to get creative describing how you spend the majority of your daily existence!

Here's the questionnaire to c+p into the comments. Once you have done so, please go and suggest some matchmaking connections to the other commenters - that's how this friendzy works.


What you post about:

What you are looking for in an LJ friend:

What you tend not to comment on:

Let's be stone-cold honest:

friends, lj

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