Dec 01, 2004 22:28
i decided to bring it back. yes, im bringing back my LJ...last weekend was say anything, hotrodcircuit, and straylight run. would of been NORTHSTAR too but jakes (from northstar) dad died like 2 days before so northstar didnt play.i was pretty sad but shit happens..well me nick and noelle got their late so we missed pretty much all of say anythings set. we got in there in time to see about 2 songs so we just went up and stood on the balcony. then after sayanything was done we went back down and stood under the balcony and i didnt see travis or paul anywhere but then they came over to where me noelle and nick were so we all stood there and stuff..then watched hot rod circuit. they were freaking awesome.. i knew a couple of the songs so that was pretty cool. the lead singer sweated alot. but they were awesome...thenn straylight run came on..i wasent exactly hopping up and down to see them cause i was told they were like incredibly boring but i was real surprised. they were SO good. i actually knew alot of the songs. and actually seeing john nolan like in the same building as me. ahhh it was so cool. michelle was on our side of the stage so nick paul and travis looked at her and took alot of pictures of her..(and by the way they all came out really shitty)..i had to lean against a big ass pole the whole time so i couldnt see that well but i did. then at the end people were like yelling out names of songs for them to play and it was funny to hear people say "PLAY TIMBERWOLVES!!".. you know that just pisses them off to be asked to play taking back sunday songs. but they probably get it at every show they play.. uhh then like at the end of the last song we all went to get some merch and i got a I <3 SA shirt its so cool. and i got the new HRC cd..which is freaking awesome. then me and noelle got a picture with max, the lead singer of say anything. then we alllll went outside and like stood there for a while and i saw this guy. i knew i had seen him before and then i was like WHOA it was the guy from the SU field Day last may at the shorebirds stadium..he was one of the college kids that were supposed to be the security people. i remember he would like dance during Ben folds and me and katelyn would laugh at him. so i kept yelling SALISBURY.. SALISBURY..but i dont think he heard me. i felt kind of wierd that i remembered him. so thats the end of that.. then i called my dad and he was like uh take a cab to the restaraunt that were all at cause noelles dad and my dad and all these other people were at some restaraunt. so then we all started walking away and all of the sudden JOHN FREAKING NOLAN walked out of his bus..right in front of me.. i like stopped i was like whoa. so t hen we all met him and travis made himself look stupid but it was funny haha..then me and noelle got a picture with him..ahh it was so cool.. then we left and i started skipping cause i had just met john nolan and then me noelle and nick had to get in this cab and the guy driving was like kind of wierd. and my dad was trying to tell nick where the restaraunt was on the phone so nick just gave the phone to the cab driver. then my dad told him wehre to go and the driver played christmas music. and kept locking and unlocking the doors. and kept looking back and asking us questions and then out of no where some car pulled out in front of him and he was like DAMN PUSSYS! ...................................i lost it. god damn that was the funniest thing ive ever heard..then he dropped us off at the restaraunt and we sat there for like 20 minutes..then walked a couple blocks to my dads car and drove noelle hom and then my dad got lost for about a half hour..then got home and went to sleep..then i had to wake up at like 9 that morning and go do community service at my aunts house. they were doing this festival of trees thing where people tour houses that are decorated for xmas. so i just stood outside with vanessa for like 3 hours so it wasent that bad..then that night i had an indoor game but i sucked so much ass cause we played this girls team so we killed them but i was like dying. i was sick and could hardly run but oh well we won...then sunday i did the festival of trees thing again at the Haleys house..that was boring. i stood in a freaking corner for 3 hours saying hi to people as they walked by... then monday morning had the first bball game of the season and killed mt carmel. i scored 6 points its wednesday night at 10:53. and its cold, and i went to my brothers ring mass earlier and i was walking in and father coine walked by and was like EXCUSE YOU! and i was like hahahha sorry? and he like glared at me. i mean i didnt mean to laugh at him but he like stared at me so i uh..laughed and then it got kind of wierd so i walked away. i dont like him.. then we went to the reception..then we went to quiznos and now im home..... tommorow after school my moms like babysitting her friends kid so im goin with her and i wont be back till like 10 so hopefully i get to watch the oc cause i seem to have become quite obsessed with the show. andddddddddddddddddd now im tired...and that might possibly be one of the longest entries ive written.
you would kill for this...just a little bit..just a little would... you would