Nov 30, 2005 17:50
Hope springs eternal. Remember who and what you were. Burn off the excess, streamline. Avoid the self-fulfilling curse. History repeats itself as you well know. Love the darkest moments fore the dawn as you embrace the azure hue fading.
"Oh that? That was only time."
Get out of your head and back into life. Times ticking. This has happened before and will happen again. Will you learn nothing? There is always a price. Are you willing to pay the piper, knowing it may be overvalued in the end? What stops you?
Fear? "...never fear. Fear is for the enemy. Fear and bullets."
Pain? Pain can be overcome.
The past? Your past is dead, the only life it has is what you give it.
The future? That is what you make it. "Now is the only thing that's real."
What others will think? Your friends will call you on your bullshit, and love you anyway(never betray them). The rest are just meatbags on a ball of mud spinning towards oblivion.
Yourself? YOU are master of your own destiny.
Shit happening? Shit happens, Bring a hose.
"And who whispers from outside When all seems desperation "Seize the future..."