Aug 07, 2006 23:38
so i woke up today all sore from tubing , and realized that it was raining .. and my job is to water shit .. so if the heavans wanna rain upon us SO BE IT.. so i called my boss and went back to sleep.. ahh thank you rain.. and well by the time i reawoke .. it was BAM .. only a wicked nice day out .. So i fucked around on the computer ... then met up with ken .. i told him i'd buy him lunch if he took me to fill out this aplication at lindsay's work.. so we did and then we met up with this gay ass johnny knoxville lookin dude .. who was wicked creepy . ya know like the doesn't say but three words in five hours type guys.wel anyways , we all went boatin .. and knee boarding , wich , i'm quite possitive i don't like to least .. nah fuck that fuck knee boards .. i had more fun making ken crash on it .and drinkin beer .. chillin in the sun on a boat drinking beer smokin buts .. thats more my type of program right there.still haven't told my mom that it's an all gay cruise yet.i 'm kinda just thinking she'll be able to gather as much from the picyures i bring back ..umm o then after boating me and ken cooked dinner on the grill , changed and went to the gym . i was mad lazy though.we only did like 20 minutes on the eliptical .. we usually do like an hour .. or atleast 5 miles..but i worked on my shoulders a bit and we did arms , and abs , and tanned .. smoked a jibbler on the way home .. so here i sit in flannel pants writing this entry ....
when we were doin abs.. broken came on .. and it kinda made me just a hair lazier .. i dunno , just thinkin about ken .. and lindsay , and char and julie . and chris metzler ..i dunno . i usually tend to wander , and swim through memmories .. and create these worlds .. i create these worlds . where i fix endings , i create new beginnings .. i build things , peice by piece . everything in it's place . the place it should be jars specifficly placed on certian shelves , pointing just the right way , so when you walk down for coffee in the morning the sun coming throught the sky light will shine and reflect through it in such a manner that it illuminates the entire kitchen . and in that special ray of sunshine , with two bodies pressed ever so close together , miricals happen ..
i wanna work on my book . but i keep fucking putting it off. and i keep getting newer better ideas , for other projects .. i just can't keep focused .. i 've pretty much been living by .."whatever comes next" one thing at a time .. no real plans or order .. it's kinda like how the bells were in high school , mixed with musical chairs.. it keeps me on my toes .. but it always .. ahh i dunno .. it flows .. but often times it seeps through and consumes everything . everything at random , yet as if it were planned..blah blah blah . point being i don't specificall set aside time to write .. a journal is one thing .. i've been pretty , few and far on entries as well..
{minutes pass}
why is it that when ever i get high i feel guilty .. like i did somethng to fuck over somebody , or even everybody..the guilt , the paranoia ... yet the ideas that pop into head . while bein hight and being paranoid . could fill an entire novel ..the little scenarios. like when i used to do coke .. and i'd keep looking out the window .. because someone's there? who's there? why are they there ?are you sure? and you check the window again..... how many movies do you see , that go much longer than a few days time . or even just the events of a day , or a single party . books as well .. there's the description and explaination of the situation that makes it hold it's value..the details.. the cliff hangers .. creating suspense , is merely withholding's a maze , and you gotta read your way to the next clue.or even that one word .. that single word that clicks something in your head that says . i know what that is .. creating a picture in your mind . and from that picture with the details and description of said{person,place or thing} you can then cut and paste images , like photo shop .building blocks..or even wrecking balls.dead ends .smiles. scizzors. chairs. mirrors .sinks.brooms.magazines . the smell of chanel.plants.big glass windows.highlights.and candy cane looking lights ... yep that was a barber shop. "and we would also have accepted salon" OK BOB TELL THEM WHAT THE WON "{WELL STEVEVE TODAY THE SMITH FAMILY HAS WON A 6 DAY 7 NIGHT FUN FILLED VACATION , ABOARD THE ROYAL CARRIBEAN'S FINEST SHIP .. THE BIGDINGY. BLAH BLAH BLAH