Aug 01, 2005 16:03

not really. but a WHITE TRASH FAMILY party in my driveway
little children on my street need to DIE a horrible death
they make me afraid to have children
trashy little fuckers
worse mouths than IDO and i have a trashy mouth sometimes

they like to peel off my gaypride sticker and slash my tire and break jills and my side mirrors
they like to fuck up the mirrors and turn the mirror the wrong way so other drivers see themselves or some shit.
then some little fucker comes to my work today. ( another HOODLUM ) and tries telling me he dropped his sandwich on teh ground and can he have a new one. i tell him he was NEVER here and hes not getting any sandwich from me. then the shitface asks me how much a "STRAIGHT SANDWICH" is.. i am like "whats a "straightsandwich" he says "any sub"

stupid fuck
little asshole...

all alone he was only trying to piss me off and he SUCCEDDED
he can eat shit too and then die from gonorhea
how do WHITE TRASH and shitty other people raise kids.
my god!!!

ok. done venting. for now
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