Intro Post

Nov 09, 2010 06:03

Hello good people of LiveJournal! I suppose I should post a brief little introduction to anyone who wants to read this journal. I was sifting through all these random journals and saw that most of them were all about people's personal lives. Why should mine be any different from all the other journals on this site? I'm not going to go super personal here and put in everything about myself since this is the internet after all but I will put in some basic stuff down that I don't really admit.

Age, well age is irrelevant. Guess my age through a comment if you want to and if you're right, I'll send you a message confirming it. My one word of advice for you is to be prepared. You may be surprised. I will tell you that I am in secondary school though, but what age? I won't reveal a word.

My name will also not be revealed to anyone. Guessing will be futile unless you're an Indian or know a lot of Indian names. Which brings me to say that yes, I am Indian and if for some reason a racist pig reads this post I have to say that I will not bother with any racist comments.

I'm not in India though, I'm actually posting this from Australia. Our family travels around a lot and so far I have lived in India, Australia, Malaysia, Africa, Indonesia and we are going to move to Singapore in a couple of months. Yes, I know we travel around a lot.

I am a nerd by nature and love reading and writing. I am not one for parties; I'm the sort of person who never gets invited to them and I most definitely do not do dating even though it's apparently a "cool" thing to do in my school. Not that I'm a second grader who's still afraid of "boy germs" I just don't find the whole dating this very appealing.

I suppose the reason I'm on LJ in the first place is just to put down whatever I want. Writing diaries is a dangerous thing to do in my house; mainly because of my brother who can dig his nose into anything and so doing it on the internet will probably be much better for me.

I don't really know what else to say about me or about my life in journal so I suppose I'll just scoot off now. Oh, one more thing. I have a fanfiction account by the name of ConundrumPuzzle so if you're interested feel free to read any of my fics!
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