I don't know how many of you guys are Tropers, but I made a
fanfic rec page over on TVTropes for the Edge Chronicles. Since there isn't a great deal of fic around for this series, compared to others, I challenge you to find the best of the best and leave a recommendation on the page for great justice.
Also, fandom needs more fic. This is indisputable. Therefore, I propose -- Anon Fic Meme!
If you haven't heard of it before, don't worry. It's easy enough. A post is set up with the rules in detail, but basically they are:
- Comment anonymously with a prompt for a fic you'd like to see written.
- Someone else responds to your prompt with the fic, usually anonymously but it can be logged in too. The anonymity option is only if you don't necessarily want your name attached to a fic meme [which in other fandoms usually dissolve into kink memes].
- Read fic!
Easy, huh? But an Anon Fic Meme is nothing without writers, and it would be pretty pointless to put one up if nobody would be prompting or writing, so... who's up for it? They don't have to be epic fics - anything from drabbles to multi-chaptered is fine, and at the writer's discretion unless the prompter specifically requests a certain length or number of chapters. E.g. "The five times Twig kissed Cowlquape, and the one time Cowlquape kissed Twig". Also, anything goes! Genderbending, AU, slash, het, crossovers... anything you can dream up can be prompted and written. That is the beauty of Anon Fic Meme!