Fic: Green and Gray (1/1)

Feb 01, 2007 16:25

But first... Pimping a new comm: thewaywithwords a not so standard prompt comm, go have a look. :)

Title: Green and Gray
Author: Rachel
Pairing: B/A
Disclaimer: Joss owns everyone, I own nothing. I’m simply taking them out to play with.
Rating: PG
Notes: Written for still_my_girl Prompt 38. I’m not sure there’s a proper apology for this, so just... sorry. Also, not looked over by anyone but me so mistakes are mine.
Summary: I want you to love me, he whispers unable to speak.
Feedback: Is loved and much appreciated :)

The waves lapped at his feet, washing over his ankles in a cool, refreshing way he had not felt in centuries. The dusk was just low enough to allow him to be out here, enjoying the ocean air, the waves and most importantly, her. Her white sundress blew gently with the wind, with her long, free flowing hair and her bright pink flip flops held in her hand as she walked across shore towards him.

Her smile was dazzling, it knocked the air from him and stopped his heart, whether that was literal or figurative did not matter. His lips found their own smile while his hand slipped into the pocket of his khaki colored pants. She has once commented that, as good as black looked on him, she would have liked to see something different. So he had chosen this occasion for it; light colored pants, and a open white button down shirt with a tan tank underneath, maybe not the greatest exhibition in color, but still a point for effort.

Finally, she stood before him, her bright pink toes, matching her flip flops, dug into the sand in a outward show of nervousness. His name fell from her lips with a quiver at the end, and it said everything he needed to hear; that she could not be invited out into one of the most gorgeous places she’d ever been, just to have her heart broken. Luckily for her, the only heart that had any potential for being broken, was his heart by her, if she turned him down.

“Buffy,” he said softly, reverently. Like a prayer to the Power That Be for leading him to her. The hand that wasn’t in his pocket, took her hand that wasn’t holding her shoes and started walking down the beach together.

“So...” she tried. He could tell that she was desperately seek a topic that would not be awkward for either of them, and as much as he wanted to save her, he wasn’t sure that he could have done much better himself. “Nice shirt,” she ultimately came up with. “Something Cordy stuck in your closet?”

He took a moment to look offended, “No, this is mine. I can dress myself, you know.”

She did the best thing she could have ever done, she laughed; at him. He did not care, she was so damn beautiful when she laughed. “I’m aware you can dress yourself, it’s just... you lean toward dark and broody and this... well not.” Her smile softened, but lost of none of its sparkle. “It looks good on you.”

He shrugged absently and ducked his head in the way he always did in the places most people blush, “I’m glad you like it. I’ve been looking for... something, a change. I don’t really know, so I thought I’d try something different.”

“Searching for something can produce some interesting result, and very often bad hair. Be happy you missed Dawn’s “I’m dark and scary.” phase. It didn’t really stick, but...” she let out a mock shudder and he let out his own laugh. He could tell he had caught her by surprise, but in a good way. “You’ve changed,” she said quietly, in a way he knew she was worried that she didn’t know him anymore. That she had lost him already.

“Not that much,” he promised.

“What did you figure out, during your search? Your hair’s still in tact, which I’ll take as a good sign.”

He stopped walked, moving to stand in front of her, and took a breath before continuing. “What I found... is that I had what I needed I already had, or at least I already knew where it was. I love you, Buffy,” he whispered. “You know my soul, you’re the only person who can make me strong and make me feel weak at the same time. I don’t think you’ll ever understand the power you hold over me and I don’t care. I need you like air, more than anything I need it and if there is any possibility that you could still love me...” He took his hand his hand from his pocket and showed her a silver claddagh ring, “then I offer this to you as a token of my undying love and a promise that I will never leave you for as long as we both exist on this plane.”

Her eyes shimmered with tears and her hand was over her mouth in shock. He locked his gaze and waited with the patience of someone who had lived for over two centuries until a small, breathless ‘yes’ fell from her lips.


Angel jerked awake, and sat straight up as his unneeded breaths coming in pants while he took in the room around his. It was barely dawn; the blinds were drawn so as not to let in damaging rays of sun. And he was alone. No ring, no beach, no Buffy. With a sigh, he fell back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. If these dreams kept coming... he didn’t know what he was going to do.

Outside of the door, he heard the distance creaking of floorboards under the weight of someone’s footsteps. He almost got out of bed, almost went to the person and asked them if they heard, but he decided that it was much better to just ignore, like he ignored everything else, and try to go back to sleep.

“I want you to love me," he whispers, unable to speak
And he wonders aloud why feelings so strong make the body so weak
Then he awoke, now he's scared to death somebody heard,
If it was you and you know her, please don't say a word.
-Green and Gray by Nickelcreek

ba fic, fanfic

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