Just To Be Close: If You Stay

Jun 02, 2006 21:28

Title: If You Stay
Series: Just To Be Close
Author: Rachel
Theme: Sexual Response: Excitement
Disclaimer: Joss owns everyone, I own nothing. I’m simply taking them out to play with.
Rating: PG13
Notes: Second of five I wrote this the last time for stagesoflove, but I never posted it in my LJ. :)

His hand held hers as they came to her apartment door, the contact making her spine tingle. After dinner, they had taken a walk by the water, discussing everything from the new slayers to her broken dishes. She’d almost forgotten how easy it was to be with him. He ‘got’ her, without even trying and she had really missed that the last few years. He understood without judging, she didn’t need to impress him, she could just be Buffy. And that was as attractive to her as anything else he did.

Tugging her hand, he pulled her into his body and kissed her soundly on the lips. His touch alone sent sparks through her, the love and passion he poured into it nearly made her melt. As he nipped her bottom lip, she perched her hands on his shoulders and went up on her toes to get close. His hands slid down her body, stopping her waist, lifting her every so slightly from the ground.

A moment later, he broke the kiss and set her down. Panting to catch her breathe, she looked up in his eyes and found a very familiar look. It was a look of love, lust, wanting, passion, but also acquiescence: he wanted her, yes, but he would only go as far as she led him. She was in control, what happened next was up to her and whatever she chose; he wouldn’t hold it against her.

It was the way he looked at her before her seventeenth birthday, and it gave her the same powerful, loved and scary feeling now that it had then.

“Angel,” she started, almost breathlessly, her heart beating hard in her chest. “You know I want you, sometimes, like right now for example, I want you so bad I think I’m gonna go crazy. Like I’m going to explode and turn into Buffy the Sex Crazed Slayer, which would be of the bad since, hello, not going to save the world from demons if all I do is sleep with them. Of course, you’re the only demon I wanna sleep with, or ya know, the only anybody I wanna sleep with.” She heard a low growl of want and possessiveness grumble in his chest, and it made her warmer than before.

“The point is, even though my body wants you and my head know it’s okay, my heart isn’t sure if it’s safe.” She looked at him, eyes got wide and her heart open. “I can’t survive it if I wake up alone tomorrow. I just can’t.”

“We’ll go slow,” he promised, kissing the top of her head, “If we go in there, and you decide that nothing’s going to happen, or you just want to kiss and hold me all night, then that’s what happens. Nothing more, I only want what you’re giving me. I’ll be there when you wake up, I promise.”

Truth shone from his eyes, and she took his hand and unlocked her apartment door. “Come in.”

ba fic, just to be close, fanfic

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